Monday, February 5, 2024

Week 21 (Instructional Week 20)

Welcome to the weekend team!  What a week this has been...but you perservered, made it though, and ensured that all of the Interim 2 Assessments were completed and graded.  Well Done!  

Here we are in a new month...February...the month of courage, love, and celebration of Black History.  What an amazing month!  I am looking forward to all of it! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend...get some rest and have some fun!

Week 20 Instruction 
This week is Week 20 of instruction. Make sure that your lesson plans are aligned with and reflect the correct instructional week.

03's and GLTs 

This week will only be GLTs, due to me having to attend another Dean Training on Wednesday.  Please feel free to stop in if you need to talk.

Black History Wax Museum

The information for grade level participation in our Black History Wax Museum was sent out by Ms. Schofield last week.  Please make sure that you read the information and assign students their research project topic.  

Arrival/Dismissal Door Duty

Please make sure that you are standing at your classroom door at 7:35 (Arrival) and 2:45 (Dismissal).  You should be standing so that you can supervise both your classroom and the hallway.

Staff Arrival

We are noticing an increase in the number of staff arriving late to work.  It is important that you follow the expectations of your position; that you arrive to work and are in your room by your scheduled start time of 7:30 am.  This applies to all Salaried Staff.  

Hourly staff, you need to be in your classroom by your specified start time.

Also, if on the off chance you are running late (this should be very infrequent), please notify your Dean.  


Please reinforce to your students who bring purses to school that they are NOT ALLOWED to wear them during the day.


We need your help as we have noticed an increase students chewing gum.  This is not allowed at Laurus.  Please be diligent and do not let your students chew gum.  


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, February 5 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35; ELA C&I Visit; Candy Gram Sale Begins

Tuesday-Thursday, February 6-8 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Tuesday, February 6 - Wheeler out to Math Cohort Training

Wednesday, February 7 - Rowden out to Math Cohort Training

Thursday, February 8 - Rogers out to Math Cohort Training

Friday, February 9 - Lock Down #3; Wayne State Dance Assembly Gr. 4-8 8:30 am; Daddy-Daughter Dance 5:00-7:00 pm

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins) Staff must report for a Data Dig PD which begins promptly at 8:30 am.

Tuesday, February 13 - Math C&I Visit with Farina; Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Count Day - Free Dress Down; Wheeler out to City of Detroit K-2 Dean Day; NO TUTORING

Thursday - Monday, Feb. 15-19 - Mid-Winter Break


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Week 38

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