Monday, January 29, 2024

Week 20 (Instructional 19)


Happy Weekend Team...!

This has been a busy, rainy week!!!!  I hope that you all take time to relax and refresh over the definitely deserve it.  Have a great weekend...and Go Lions!

Week 19 Instruction 
This week is Week19 of instruction. Make sure that your lesson plans are aligned with and reflect the correct instructional week.

Interim 2

This week....Grades 6-8 will test Interim 2 assessments next week for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies this week.  This will be in addition to completing the regular Week 19 instruction.

Grades 3-5 will test Interim 2 assessments for Science and Social Studies, along with their regular curriulum.

K-2 has this week to complete their Math Numeracy Assessments.

All Interim/Numeracy Assessments need to be completed, graded and input to the system by end of day Friday, February 2nd.

03's and GLTs 

These meetings resume this week.  See you then!

Black History Wax Museum

The information for grade level participation in our Black History Wax Museum was sent out by Ms. Schofield last week.  Please make sure that you read the information and assign students their research project topic.  


We need your help as we have noticed an increase students chewing gum.  This is not allowed at Laurus.  Please be diligent and do not let your students chew gum.  

Student Behavior Protocol

Before sending students to the Dean's Office for student misbehaviors, it is important that you follow the Student Behavior Protocol which Ms.Hardrick sent out when we returned from Christmas Break.  There has been an increase in the number of students being sent to the Dean without first involving the ABSS.  Also, unless a student is at a level 5 Behavior, their behavior needs to be addressed by the classroom teacher.

Just a reminder, you should be utilizing your grade level buddy rooms for behavioral support.

ELA C&I Visit

We have been assigned a new ELA C&I consultant, Shannon Mueller as Akia Carter will be supporting Dr. Carey's schools.  She will be visiting our school on Monday, February 5th.


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, January 29 - Interim 2 test week

Tuesday-Thursday, January 30-February 1 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, January 31 - Rowden out to City of Detroit 3-5 Dean Day

Thursday, February 1 - Rogers out to City of Detroit 6-8 Dean Day

Friday, February 2 - "Wear Red" for $ 2.00 American Heart Association Fund-raiser; Progress Report Day

Monday, February 5 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35; ELA C&I Visit; Candy Gram Sale Begins

Tuesday-Thursday, February 6-8 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Tuesday, February 6 - Wheeler out to Math Cohort Training

Wednesday, February 7 - Rowden out to Math Cohort Training

Thursday, February 8 - Rogers out to Math Cohort Training

Friday, February 9 - Lock Down #3; Wayne State Dance Assembly Gr. 4-8 8:30 am; Daddy-Daughter Dance 5:00-7:00 pm

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins) Staff must report for PD which begins promptly at 8:30 am.

Tuesday, February 13 - Math C&I Visit with Farina; Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Count Day - Free Dress Down; Wheeler out to City of Detroit K-2 Dean Day; NO TUTORING

Thursday - Monday, Feb. 15-19 - Mid-Winter Break

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