Monday, September 4, 2023

Week 2

Happy Weekend and Labor Day Everyone!  
Congratulations! You have completed your first week of the school year...and I am so proud of you and all of the hard work you have completed this week!  I hope you were able to take advantage of the long weekend and get some well deserved R&R!

News to Know:

New Students

Please plan on getting new students until Count Day in October.

Check Emails

I need you to make sure that you check your email at least twice a day...once during the morning and again in the afternoon.  We send out important information throughout the day. 


Reminder that shirts must be tucked in at all times.

Bathroom Break Schedule

I am sending you a Grade/Class Level Bathroom Schedule.  You must adhere to these scheduled times.  Please do the following:

  • Students should accompany you to the restrooms in a single file line
  • They should bring a book to read while waiting
  • They must be at a Level 0 - No Talking voice level
  • You should bring a timer as we need to get these breaks down to 10 minutes
  • You must check the bathrooms before sending students in and following your last students exit of the bathrooms for cleanliness.  
  • Remind the students that inappropriate behaviors and lack of cleanliness will result in student discipline.  This is a "Zero Tolerance" issue.


Fall NWEA testing begins this week.    Please refer to the documents I provided to you during our training regarding setting up your test sessions about proctoring.  

Here is the testing schedule:




Start Time

End Time



Start Time

End Time

Tues., 9/5

7th &8th Reading

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Mon. 9/26

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Wed., 9/6

7th & 8th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Tues. 9/27

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm


5th & 6th Reading

9:00 am

3: 00 pm

Wed. 9/28

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Fri. 9/8

5th & 6th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Thurs. 9/29

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Fri. 9/30

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Mon. 9/11

3rd & 4th Reading

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Tues. 9/12

3rd & 4th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Wed. 9/13

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Thurs. 9/14

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Fri. 9/15

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





AIMSWeb Testing

AIMSWeb ORF Benchmark testing continues next week.  ALL students in grades K-8 will be assessed. This testing is being owned by your Grade Level Interventionists.  Please make sure that you are ensuring that they have all the time needed to complete their job.   

Constitution Day

It is a Federal Law that the U. S. Constitution be taught on September 17. This year it will be on September 15th as the 17th is on the weekend.  You can Google Constitution Lesson Plans for your specific grade level.  Each grade level is required to submit their lesson plan to Ms. Schofield by Thursday, September 14 as it is mandated that they are submitted to the State of Michigan before September 17th.


Remind the students that they will have assigned tables based on grade level and they are to enter the gym and sit down at their grade level table.  Students receiving school lunch will be called by Mr. Powell or me to line up to receive their lunch.

Cell Phones

Please continue to be diligent about collecting cell phones and locking them up. This is non-negotiable.

Grade Level Team Meetings and 03's

These will be soft this week...just a check in. (Please see schedule accompaning this Blog.) I will come to the team leaders classroom for the GLT; each of you will need to come to my office for your 03.  It is very important to be on time.

Hallway Bulletin Boards

Remember, ALL hallway "Welcome" bulletin boards need to be replaced student writing pieces by Friday, September 15th.

Hall Passes

Remember to utilize your hall passes for any emergency bathroom situations.


Please make sure that your CHAMPS tool is up and being utilized.

Grade Level Newsletters

These are to be sent out weekly to parents via your SchoolConnect.

Grade Weighting

These need to be set up so that parents can access students grade in the Parent Portal. WeHere are the weights for grades.  We will set up your grade weighting during our Grade Level Team Meeting. Please make sure to start inputting grades this week.

Assessments: 25

Assignments: 40

Participation: 15

Quizzes (Exit Tickets): 15

Homework: 5


Attendance and Lunch Count must be taken at 8:01 (following announcements) and 8:45 am.  Lunch numbers are pulled by 9:00 am, so if you have any students who come in Tardy before 9:00 am, please make sure that their lunch is recorded if they are getting School Lunch.

Afternoon Attendance must be completed by 1:00 pm.

Weekly Attendance grids must be printed out on Fridays and placed in your Attendance File located in the Dean's Office.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, September 5 - School Resumes; NWEA Testing Begins

Thursday-Friday, September 7-8 - Mobile Dentist

Monday, September 11 - Committee Meetings 3:35-4:00

Thursday, September 14 - Constitution Day Lesson Plans due to Ms. Schofield

Friday, September 15 - Picture Day; Constitution Day Observance

Monday, September 18 - Wing Meeting 3:35-4:00; Girls Volleyball Try Outs begin

Tuesday, September 19 - Principal Coffee 9:00-9:30

Wednesday, September 20 - Candy Fundraiser in the Gym:  1:15 Gr. 5-8   2:00 Gr. K-4

Friday, September 22 - Fire Drill - PM

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