Friday, September 8, 2023

Week 3


Happy Friday Everyone!  

Well...we have the 2nd week of school under our belt!  Can you believe it?  Next week will be the first full week of the school year.  Please be prepared as the students (and you) will be tired by weeks end.  You will want to be diligent with your expectations, routines, and procedures.

Staff Arrival

As we discussed numerous times during our PD week, staff start time (unless your grant funded less than 37.5 hours a week) is 7:30 am.  No exceptions.  We are starting to see staff arriving after their expected arrival times and this is not ok.  If you get caught behind an accident, you need to let your Dean know along with an estimated ETA time.  
If you are grant funded and have a later start time, you MUST be in the classroom at your start time, i.e. if your start time is 8:30 that means you are in your designated classroom starting your day with the students.  
This is not the time you are walking into the building...going to the office to get coffee, etc.  

Please make the necessary adjustments to your morning schedule so that you are arriving to work on time.  Deans will be following up with verbal and written warnings, which can then escalate into Write Ups.  


As Mrs. Rogers has mentioned numerous times, the expectation for classroom teachers is to stand at their door for the entire Dismissal time so that students can be monitored not only in their classroom, but for those students walking in the hallways.  This is a vital part of the Dismissal process ensuring that students are safe (in the classroom and hallway) and moving quickly to get outside to their vehicle.

This is not a time for you to correct student work, be on the computer, pack up to leave, etc. Please make sure you are at your door.

DSQ Visit
Our DSQ, Dr. Ward, will be visiting our school at least once a week.  In addition, our Senior DSQ, will visit unannounced monthly.  They will be coming into your classrooms to observe.  It is very important that you make sure your classrooms are neat and tidy with all supplies put away.  There should be no clutter in your classrooms.  Also, all Whiteboard Configuration needs to be in place (refer to my Glows and Grows), Achievement Boards need to be updated, and Number Corners need to be up and utilized.

***Whiteboard Configuration - Date (top right); I Can Statements (right side); Schedule (top of whiteboard); CHAMPS (left side).

CHAMPS Devices 
These need to be on the RIGHT HAND SIDE of the White Board and not on the wall above or below. You need make sure that you show that they are being utilized...what are you using to show the levels for each area?

Check Emails

I need you to make sure that you check your email at least twice a day...once during the morning and again in the afternoon.  We send out important information throughout the day. 

Sub Plans
Please make sure that you have a sub folder and plans available at all times.  

Weekly Assessments - Students Not Tested

As you can see, the Week 0 benchmarking has not been completed and/or uploaded.  We discussed that this was going to be completed.  Please make sure that you get these completed and uploaded.


Please remember to add me to your SchoolConnect.


Please make sure to enforce our uniform policy.  When you notice that a student is out of dress code, you need to contact the parent for replacement clothing.


Fall NWEA testing continues next week...and we will be holding make up testing until 9/30.  

Here is the testing schedule:




Start Time

End Time



Start Time

End Time

Tues., 9/5

7th & 8th Reading

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Mon. 9/26

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Wed., 9/6

7th & 8th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Tues. 9/27

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm


5th & 6th Reading

9:00 am

3: 00 pm

Wed. 9/28

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Fri. 9/8

5th & 6th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Thurs. 9/29

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Fri. 9/30

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm

Mon. 9/11

3rd & 4th Reading

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Tues. 9/12

3rd & 4th Math

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Wed. 9/13

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Thurs. 9/14

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





Fri. 9/15

3-8 Make Up

9:00 am

3:00 pm





AIMSWeb Testing

AIMSWeb ORF Benchmark testing should be completed for all enrolled students.

Reading Mastery and Corrective Reading Placement Testing

These placement tests should have been completed by today.  These have to be done before students can be placed in the appropriate groups.  

Cell Phones

Please continue to be diligent about collecting cell phones and locking them up. This is non-negotiable.

Achievement Bulletin Boards (Hallway)

Remember, ALL hallway "Welcome" bulletin boards need to be replaced student writing pieces by Monday, September 11th.  Remember to include post its with feedback...not just praise


Weekly Attendance grids must be printed out on Fridays and placed in your Attendance File located in the Dean's Office.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 11 - Committee Meetings 3:35-4:00; Free Dress - Red, White, Blue; 4th Grade Basketball Clinic (only for those signed up) 3:30-4:30

Thursday, September 14 - Constitution Day Lesson Plans due to Ms. Schofield

Friday, September 15 - Picture Day; Constitution Day Observance

Monday, September 18 - Wing Meeting 3:35-4:00; Girls Volleyball Try Outs begin

                                          Vision Screening Begins Gr. 1, 3, 5, 7

Tuesday, September 19 - Principal Coffee 9:00-9:30

Wednesday, September 20 - Farina (Math C & I) Visit

Wednesday, September 20 - Candy Fundraiser in the Gym:  1:15 Gr. 5-8   2:00 Gr. K-4

Friday, September 22 - Fire Drill - PM

Wednesday, September 27 - Vision Screening Ends

Monday, October 2 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15 Gym; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00; Staff Survey Opens

Wednesday, October 4 - Count Day; Free Dress Day

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