Monday, January 29, 2024

Week 20 (Instructional 19)


Happy Weekend Team...!

This has been a busy, rainy week!!!!  I hope that you all take time to relax and refresh over the definitely deserve it.  Have a great weekend...and Go Lions!

Week 19 Instruction 
This week is Week19 of instruction. Make sure that your lesson plans are aligned with and reflect the correct instructional week.

Interim 2

This week....Grades 6-8 will test Interim 2 assessments next week for ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies this week.  This will be in addition to completing the regular Week 19 instruction.

Grades 3-5 will test Interim 2 assessments for Science and Social Studies, along with their regular curriulum.

K-2 has this week to complete their Math Numeracy Assessments.

All Interim/Numeracy Assessments need to be completed, graded and input to the system by end of day Friday, February 2nd.

03's and GLTs 

These meetings resume this week.  See you then!

Black History Wax Museum

The information for grade level participation in our Black History Wax Museum was sent out by Ms. Schofield last week.  Please make sure that you read the information and assign students their research project topic.  


We need your help as we have noticed an increase students chewing gum.  This is not allowed at Laurus.  Please be diligent and do not let your students chew gum.  

Student Behavior Protocol

Before sending students to the Dean's Office for student misbehaviors, it is important that you follow the Student Behavior Protocol which Ms.Hardrick sent out when we returned from Christmas Break.  There has been an increase in the number of students being sent to the Dean without first involving the ABSS.  Also, unless a student is at a level 5 Behavior, their behavior needs to be addressed by the classroom teacher.

Just a reminder, you should be utilizing your grade level buddy rooms for behavioral support.

ELA C&I Visit

We have been assigned a new ELA C&I consultant, Shannon Mueller as Akia Carter will be supporting Dr. Carey's schools.  She will be visiting our school on Monday, February 5th.


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, January 29 - Interim 2 test week

Tuesday-Thursday, January 30-February 1 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, January 31 - Rowden out to City of Detroit 3-5 Dean Day

Thursday, February 1 - Rogers out to City of Detroit 6-8 Dean Day

Friday, February 2 - "Wear Red" for $ 2.00 American Heart Association Fund-raiser; Progress Report Day

Monday, February 5 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35; ELA C&I Visit; Candy Gram Sale Begins

Tuesday-Thursday, February 6-8 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Tuesday, February 6 - Wheeler out to Math Cohort Training

Wednesday, February 7 - Rowden out to Math Cohort Training

Thursday, February 8 - Rogers out to Math Cohort Training

Friday, February 9 - Lock Down #3; Wayne State Dance Assembly Gr. 4-8 8:30 am; Daddy-Daughter Dance 5:00-7:00 pm

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins) Staff must report for PD which begins promptly at 8:30 am.

Tuesday, February 13 - Math C&I Visit with Farina; Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Count Day - Free Dress Down; Wheeler out to City of Detroit K-2 Dean Day; NO TUTORING

Thursday - Monday, Feb. 15-19 - Mid-Winter Break

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Week 19 (Instructional 18)

Happy Lions Football Sunday Team!

I hope you've had a good weekend and are ready for some football and a Lions WIN!  This coming week is going to be very busy, so I hope you get some rest. Here we go...

NHA President/Chief Learning Officer, NHA CEO and DSQ Visit

This Wednesday, we are going to have a visit from Nick Sheltron, NHA's President and Chief Learning Officer, Jason Pater, NHA's CEO, and Dr. Ward, our DSQ.  They plan to be at Laurus from 8:45-10:15 am.  Part of their visit will be coming to classrooms in every wing.  They will be looking to see if we are on pace with our Daily Schedule (Master Schedule),  instruction (they will be using the Year At A Glance Lesson Plans), Intervention, and MSTEP preparedness.  I realize that most of you will be testing Interim 2 on that day.  Please make sure you are circulating, that the students are participating appropriately, etc.  Also, it is important that classrooms and BULLETIN BOARDS look their absolute BEST.  

*** NOT utilize any curriculum, worksheets, etc except for the NHA curriculum.  Do not have any work posted from TPT, etc. 

 Interim 2 Testing

Due to last week's interruption in instruction (weather and attendance issues) and the need to review for the tests, we will NOT test Interim 2 tests in the gym.  Plan to test Interim 2 in the classrooms next week.  You can use Monday and Tuesday as review days and start testing on Wednesday.  ALL testing must be completed by end of day Friday (1/26).

Continue to prepare your students for testing via content and test taking strategies. Also, remember students must be using headphones during the testing. Since the Interims are suppose to mirror MSTEP, plan to administer ELA on Wednesday, Math on Thursday, and Science on Friday.  Again, the tests need to be completed on Friday.

There are incentives for those students who achieve a 3.0 on both the ELA and Math assessments.  

Grade 3-5 students will be going to Sky Zone, and grade 6-8 students will be going to Campus Martius for ice skating.This is Instructional Week 17... even though we are only her for two days, we still have to keep up with our Year At A Glance.  As such, review this week's Lesson Plans for any new concepts or learning.  Add that to your plans for next week.  We will still need to do the assessments for this week but add them to next week.

Instructional Week 18

In addition to administering the Interim 2 assessments, we need to complete the Common Assessments for Instructional Week 17, provide instruction for week 18 lessons, and administer Instructional week 18 Common Assessments.  Plan to refer to week 18 in the Year at a Glance docments.

I recommend that you administer week 17 CA's on Tuesday, prior to beginning the Interims on Wednesday. 

BR/NJHS Induction Practice & Ceremony

We will be pulling students to practice for Monday's Blue Ribbon Induction ceremony. I plan to pull them twice...once in the morning and once in the afternoon. 

The ceremonies are scheduled for 5:00 pm (BR) on Monday.  Student attire is semi - formal.  You are all welcome to attend and celebrate your students.

Winter Tutoring

Winter Tutoring begins this week.  I still need approximately 10 students for both 3rd and 4th grade.  5th grade is full.  If you have names, send them to me asap.


Wednesday Grade Level Jean Winners (based on data pulled Monday Morning):
*Remember, the staff of the grade levels that are in blue with their ELA and Math Weekly Common Assessments, when the data is pulled on Monday mornings, will be able to wear jeans on Wednesday,

Make sure that you are completing all of your weekly Common Assessments.  All assessments need to be in the "blue" by Monday mornings. 


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Attendance Grids

Please make sure that your weekly filing is done.


Monday, January 22 - ELA/Math/Science Interim Test Week Gr. 3-8; Committee Meeting 3:35; BR/NJHS Induction Ceremonies; Tickets Go On Sale for Daddy Daughter Dance (2/9)- $25/each

Tuesday, January 23 - Winter Tutoring (New Cycle of Students) Begins T/W/TH 3:30-4:30

Friday, January 26 - Dress Down $2.00

Monday, January 29 - Social Studies Interim 2 test week;

Friday, February 2 - "Wear Red" for $ 2.00 American Heart Association Fund-raiser

Monday, February 5 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35

Friday, February 9 - Lock Down #3; Daddy-Daughter Dance

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins)

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Week 18 (Instructional 17) #2

Dear Team...!

Welcome back from our EXTENDED Long Weekend Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.  I hope that you all enjoyed our "Snow/Cold" Days off...I know that I did!

Instructional Week 17

This is Instructional Week 17... even though we are only her for two days, we still have to keep up with our Year At A Glance.  As such, review this week's Lesson Plans for any new concepts or learning.  Add that to your plans for next week.  We will still need to do the assessments for this week but add them to next week.

I am asking that you use today (Thursday) and tomorrow as Interim Review days in preparation for next weeks Interim testing.

BR/NJHS Induction Practice & Ceremony

We will be pulling students to practice for next week's Blue Ribbon Induction ceremony.  

The ceremonies are scheduled for 5:00 pm (BR) on Monday.  Student attire is semi - formal.  You are all welcome to attend and celebrate your students.

Winter Tutoring

Winter Tutoring begins next week.  Please continue to communicate with your parents about this, as student selection is based on parent request.  We need to have the list student names by end of day Friday.  We are looking for 35 students for each grade 2-8.

Interim 2 Testing

Due to our short week this week, and the need to review, we will NOT test Interim 2 tests in the gym.  Plan to test Interim 2 in the classrooms next week.  You can use Monday as another review day and start testing on Tuesday.

Also, continue to prepare your students for testing via content and test taking strategies.  

There are incentives for those students who achieve a 3.0 on both the ELA and Math assessments.  

Grade 3-5 students will be going to Sky Zone, and grade 6-8 students will be going to Campus Martius for ice skating.


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Attendance Grids

I am noticing that there has been a decline in your weekly Attendance Grid filing.  These need to be completed, printed, signed/date, and filed in your Attendance file in the Dean's Office every Friday.  

This is a state compliance task and we are audited by the state...they come in a look at your Attendance files.  If they are not complete and correct, the school if fined.

Please make sure that this is done.


Friday, January 19 - Progress Report Day; Lions Gear Dress Down Day $ 2.00 (everyone wears white);  Kick Off to Black History Month Assembly 8:15 - Wayne State Dance Troupe Grades 4-8;  IAT Meeting Day; Interim 2 Pep Rally Grades 3-8 in the gym 2:00 pm

Monday, January 22 - ELA/Math/Science Interim Test Week Gr. 3-8; Wing Meeting (Guest Speaker); BR/NJHS Induction Ceremonies

Tuesday, January 23 - Winter Tutoring (New Cycle of Students) Begins T/W/TH

Monday, January 29 - Social Studies Interim 2 test week;

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Week 17 (Instructional Week 16)


Dear Team... Welcome Back and Happy New Year!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break...that you were able to rest, relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and loved ones!  

This week it's back to business.  Each team submitted a "Restart Plan" to Princial Bullard prior to the break, outlining your focus for reestablishing your classroom protocols, expectations, and procedures.  This is an opportunity for a "Do Over", especially with classroom management...and this is VERY IMPORTANT!   What you do or do not do right now will establish how your classroom functions and how your students succeed throughout the remainder of the school year.  Just remember that the tighter you keep your classroom culture, the less chances are possible for behaviors to pop off.  

These are the questions you need to ask yourself, and to prepare to address upon return to school tomorrow:
  • How will you reset
  • How will you reestablish your policies and procedures in your class. 
  • What things are you going to actually cover to make sure your classroom culture is back in place for learning? 
This is a time to tighten up those things or procedures that are not in line.


Your hallway Bulletin Boards should have been updated prior to holiday break.  This was an expectation. Please make sure that this has occurred.


GLTs will take place this week.  03's will resume next week.  I will be in classrooms this week.

Ms. Mills will be a guest at our Grade Level Team meetings this week to review student test taking strategies in preparation for Interim 2 and our upcoming MSTEP testing.  Please make sure that you are on time to our meetings.


Interim 2 is quickly approaching.  Interim 2 testing begins Monday, January 22nd.  That means we have two instructional weeks until the test occurs.  As such, we need to be working diligently to prepare our students with the necessary contect (see Interim 2 Blueprints) and test taking strategies so that our Proficient students remain proficient and our 2.5 and 2.0 students attain proficiency.


Wednesday Grade Level Jean Winners (based on data pulled Monday Morning):
*Remember, the staff of the grade levels that are in blue with their ELA and Math Weekly Common Assessments, when the data is pulled on Monday mornings, will be able to wear jeans on Wednesday,

Make sure that you are completing all of your weekly Common Assessments.  All assessments need to be in the "blue" by Monday mornings. 


Monday, January 8 - School Resumes; Staff Meeting 3:35

Tuesday, January 9 - Tutoring Resumes; Moral Focus Assembly 8:15 (gym); AIMSWeb MOY Benchmarking Begins

Thursday, January 11 - Tutoring (Last Day)

Friday, January 12 - BLACK OUT Day

Monday, January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 16 - BLACK OUT Day; Donuts with Deans 9-9:30; Committee Mtg 3:35

Friday, January 19 - Progress Report Day; White Out Dress Down Day $ 2.00 (everyone wears white);  Kick Off to Black History Month Assembly 8:15 - Wayne State Dance Troupe;  IAT Meeting Day

Monday, January 22 - ELA/Math/Science Interim Test Week Gr. 3-8; Wing Meeting (Guest Speaker); BR/NJHS Induction Ceremonies

Tuesday, January 23 - Winter Tutoring (New Cycle of Students) Begins T/W/TH

Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...