Sunday, January 7, 2024

Week 17 (Instructional Week 16)


Dear Team... Welcome Back and Happy New Year!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break...that you were able to rest, relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and loved ones!  

This week it's back to business.  Each team submitted a "Restart Plan" to Princial Bullard prior to the break, outlining your focus for reestablishing your classroom protocols, expectations, and procedures.  This is an opportunity for a "Do Over", especially with classroom management...and this is VERY IMPORTANT!   What you do or do not do right now will establish how your classroom functions and how your students succeed throughout the remainder of the school year.  Just remember that the tighter you keep your classroom culture, the less chances are possible for behaviors to pop off.  

These are the questions you need to ask yourself, and to prepare to address upon return to school tomorrow:
  • How will you reset
  • How will you reestablish your policies and procedures in your class. 
  • What things are you going to actually cover to make sure your classroom culture is back in place for learning? 
This is a time to tighten up those things or procedures that are not in line.


Your hallway Bulletin Boards should have been updated prior to holiday break.  This was an expectation. Please make sure that this has occurred.


GLTs will take place this week.  03's will resume next week.  I will be in classrooms this week.

Ms. Mills will be a guest at our Grade Level Team meetings this week to review student test taking strategies in preparation for Interim 2 and our upcoming MSTEP testing.  Please make sure that you are on time to our meetings.


Interim 2 is quickly approaching.  Interim 2 testing begins Monday, January 22nd.  That means we have two instructional weeks until the test occurs.  As such, we need to be working diligently to prepare our students with the necessary contect (see Interim 2 Blueprints) and test taking strategies so that our Proficient students remain proficient and our 2.5 and 2.0 students attain proficiency.


Wednesday Grade Level Jean Winners (based on data pulled Monday Morning):
*Remember, the staff of the grade levels that are in blue with their ELA and Math Weekly Common Assessments, when the data is pulled on Monday mornings, will be able to wear jeans on Wednesday,

Make sure that you are completing all of your weekly Common Assessments.  All assessments need to be in the "blue" by Monday mornings. 


Monday, January 8 - School Resumes; Staff Meeting 3:35

Tuesday, January 9 - Tutoring Resumes; Moral Focus Assembly 8:15 (gym); AIMSWeb MOY Benchmarking Begins

Thursday, January 11 - Tutoring (Last Day)

Friday, January 12 - BLACK OUT Day

Monday, January 15 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, January 16 - BLACK OUT Day; Donuts with Deans 9-9:30; Committee Mtg 3:35

Friday, January 19 - Progress Report Day; White Out Dress Down Day $ 2.00 (everyone wears white);  Kick Off to Black History Month Assembly 8:15 - Wayne State Dance Troupe;  IAT Meeting Day

Monday, January 22 - ELA/Math/Science Interim Test Week Gr. 3-8; Wing Meeting (Guest Speaker); BR/NJHS Induction Ceremonies

Tuesday, January 23 - Winter Tutoring (New Cycle of Students) Begins T/W/TH

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Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...