Friday, November 10, 2023

Week 12 (Instructional 11)


Happy Weekend Team!

This has been a busy week focused around administration and completion of the Interim 1 tests.  I am so grateful for your diligence in administering these high stakes tests.  

Next week will be busy with instruction and completion of Report Cards.  I hope you have the opportunity to indulge in some self care this weekend and get some rest too!

This Week:

Interim 1 Assessments

All ELA and Math interims were to have been completed, corrected, and submitted by Friday, November 10th.  Science and Social Studies Interim 1 assessments were administered this past week and are due to be graded and submitted no later than next week (11/15).  


This week, we will only hold our GLTs.  03's will be on an as needed basis as I want to be able to do additional classroom observations.

Report Card Grades

As you begin to work on your report card grading, it is very important that your grades truly reflect the students' level of learning and progress.  Grade inflating will only bring about issues when parents receive the Interim Grades and ultimately, MSTEP.

Also, plan to provide two comments per should be affirming (positive), one should be a growth opportunity for the student.

Remember...these must be sent home on Friday, November 17th.

Parent Teacher Conferences

By now, you should have been scheduling your Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you have not started, please do so as soon as possible.  Refer to the email sent out by Mrs. Wheeler and if you have questions, please talk to your grade level team lead or me.

Also, please add me to your parent scheduling communication so that I am aware of your schedule.

Classroom Neatness

Classrooms are looking untidy.  This is your "home away from home".  Please stand at your door at look at your classroom through "Visitor" eyes.  This includes Anchor Chart neatness, teacher desk and table areas, cubbies, student desks, book cases, etc.

C & I ELA and Math Visits

We will have a three day visit from our C & I Consultants this coming week.  On Monday, November 13, Akia Carter, our ELA C&I Consultant will be here.  Then, on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 14-15, Farina Samy, our Math C & I consultant will be here.  

You should have received a meeting invite if you are scheduled to meet with either of the consultants.  Please refer to that for your planning and observation times.

Black Out Days

This is a reminder that the day before and the day after holiday breaks are Black Out Days. As such, Tuesday, November 21st and Monday, November 27th are Black Out Days.   Please do not plan to be absent on these days as you will not be paid.

Thankful Turkeys

It's that time of year!

Mrs. Rogers will be placing three Thankful Turkey coloring sheets in your mailbox; you may make as many copies as you want!  We use Thankful Turkeys to let our coworkers know how thankful we are for them and all that they do!

Color it, write a message, and deliver it to someone that you are especially thankful for!

FYI, I'm thankful for all of you!!

Upcoming Events:

Monday, November 13 - Committee Meeting 3:35; Lockdown #2 AM

Monday - Friday, November 13-17 - Voice of the Parent Survey

Friday, November 17 - End of Trimester 1; Report Cards Home; Dress Down $2.00

Monday, November 20 - Trimester 2 Begins; Free Dress Down

Tuesday, November 21 - Thanksgiving Feast & PIE DAY; Free Dress Down

Wednesday-Friday, November 22-25 - Thanksgiving Break

Monday-Friday, November 27-December 1 - Parent Teacher Conference Week; Scholastic Book Fair Week

Wednesday, November 29 - Free Dress; HALF DAY Dismissal at 11:00 am; Middle School Parent Teacher Conference 12:30-3:30; Trimester 1 Honor's Assemblies: K-2 8:10, 3-5 9:00, 6-8 9:50

Friday, December 1 - Dress Down $ 2.00; PROGRESS REPORT DAY (Parent Portal); Holiday Door Decorating Contest Begins


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