Friday, November 3, 2023

Week 11 (Instructional 10)

Happy Friday Team... survived Halloween Week...and INTERIM 1 WEEK!  This has been a week with some challenging moments and I want you to know that I appreciate your perseverance and dedication to your instruction, test administration, and management.

This Week:

Interim 1 Assessments

All ELA and Math interims were to have been completed by Friday, November 3rd.  Absent students must have their Interims completed by Wednesday, November 8th.  Science and Social Studies Interim 1 assessments are due to be administered next week.  All Interim 1 Assessments must be graded and submitted by Friday, November 10th.

Bulletin Boards - Time for a Change!

It's time to make a change with our hallway Bullentin Boards.  We are beginning a new month with Moral Focus and have completed our Unit 2 Writing Assessment.  So we should be switching out our bulletin boards to reflect that learning.

Please make sure that the borders and papers  are stapled and look neat. Remember to provide feedback and scores.  Also, display the appropriate Standard/Objective and Rubric.

"I Can" Statements

As you know, "I Can" statements are an important instructional strategy that are supposed to be used at the beginning of each lesson...preferrably read by the students or if K-1 chorally repeated after the teacher.  As such, they need to be updated daily to reflect the lesson(s) you are teaching.  I am noticing that in many classrooms the "I Can's" are written so small that I can't even read them from the rear of the I know that the students are not able to, as well.  

Please make sure your "I Can" statements are aligned to the days' lessons and are writing clearly and in a size that can be seen by students throughout the room.

Grade Book Closes

Next Friday, November 10, gradebook closes. What that means is that you no longer accept outstanding student work to grade and put in the grade book after that date for Trimester 1 Report Cards.  Please encourage your students to get any outstanding work completed and turned in by that date.

Report Card Grades

As you begin to work on your report card grading, it is very important that your grades truly reflect the students' level of learning and progress.  Grade inflating will only bring about issues when parents receive the Interim Grades and ulimately, MSTEP.

Also, plan to provide two comments per should be affirming (positive), one should be a growth opportunity for the student.

Common Assessment Snapshot



Attendance Celebration and New Sheet

Classroom attendance continues to be noted on a the Attendance Sheet located outside of your classroom door.  We will begin providing monthly celebrations to the classes who meet the following criteria...

95%-100% - Pizza Party
90%-94.9% - Special Snack

Winners will be announced at the Monthly Moral Focus Assembly.


These continue this week.  Please be diligent in arriving to your 03s and GLTs.  This week the focus of our GLT will again be Planning.  Make sure that you print out your lessons so that we can prep them for the following week.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, November 4 - Daylight Savings Time Ends - Fall Back 1 Hour!

Monday, November 6 - Moral Focus Assembly (Committee Leads) 8:15-8:30; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

Friday, November 10 - Gradebook closes. Last day for grades to be entered into Gradebook for Report Cards.

Monday, November 13 - Committee Meeting 3:35; Lockdown #2 AM

Monday - Friday, November 13-17 - Voice of the Parent Survey

Friday, November 17 - End of Trimester 1; Report Cards Home; Dress Down $2.00

Monday, November 20 - Trimester 2 Begins; Free Dress Down

Tuesday, November 21 - Thanksgiving Feast & PIE DAY

Wednesday-Friday, November 22-25 - Thanksgiving Break

Monday-Friday, November 27-December 1 - Parent Teacher Conference Week; Scholastic Book Fair Week

Wednesday, November 29 - Free Dress; HALF DAY Dismissal at 11:00 am; Middle School Parent Teacher Conference 12:30-3:30; Trimester 1 Honor's Assemblies: K-2 8:10, 3-5 9:00, 6-8 9:50

Friday, December 1 - Dress Down $ 2.00; PROGRESS REPORT DAY (Parent Portal); Holiday Door Decorating Contest Begins

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