Friday, October 13, 2023

Week 8 (Week 7 Instructional)


Happy Sunday Team.  I don't know about you but I am sure thankful for this weekend!  I hope you  were able to relax, have some fun, and get some rest!  Thank you for all that you do everyday to make learning rigorous and engaging for your students.  

This week is going to be a busy week.  Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Wheeler and I will be out on Tuesday for CPI training.  Then on Wednesday and Thursday, Laurus will be hosting the Deans from the City of Detroit Cohort for our Dean Training.

This Week:

Rowden Out

Just a reminder that I will be out of the building Monday and Tuesday attending the Bay Mills Charter meeting.  If you have any issues, please refer to Ms. Rogers and Ms. Wheeler.

Para Training

On October 19th, the paras in grades K-5 will be having a Bridges Intervention training from 9:30-11:00 here at Laurus with Farina Sami.


Due to my absence, I will be holding our GLT's on Thursday.  Please plan to attend as we will be reviewing Priority Student Lists, Common Assessment data, Interims, Interactive Journals, and Corrective Reading.

Progress Reports

Student Grades need to be available to parents by next Friday (10/20) in the Parent Portal.  Make sure you have all grades input in preparation for this.  Let parents know via your Dojo/Remind that Progress Report grades will be available to them on Friday 10/21.


We have two weeks until we have to administer our Interim 1 Assessments in ELA and Math.  This testing occurs during the week of Octoberr 30th.  We really need to be diligent with our instructional pacing and completion of the weekly Common Assessments, as they prepare students for these important tests.  

Please continue to utilize your Backward Planning to make sure we are hitting those essential instructional pieces.  

Common Assessments

Well Done!  Our Common Assessment Completion Data is looking GOOD!  I am so appreciative of your diligence in administering and completing these.  



Candy Money

Please reach out to any of your families with outstanding candy sale monies. This needs to be turned in by end of day the latest. 

School Safety Week

Next week is designated as School Safety Week. You can add short conversations to your Moral Focus time, Social Studies time, line up time, about important school safety topics like:

Fire Safety; Stranger Danger; Not opening school doors for people; Safety in the Rest Rooms; Playground and Gym Safety; etc.

Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

In order to ensure that there is enough candy for Trunk or Treat, we are asking each family to send in two large bags of candy before Wednesday, October 25th.  Please send this reminder home OFTEN in your Dojo/SchoolConnect in these next couple of weeks to help us get the candy donations we need.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 16 - Wing Meeting 3:30-4:00 (Mrs. Orlando will lead as I will be out of the building); SAFE SCHOOLS WEEK Begins

Monday - Tuesday, October 16-17 - Rowden out to Bay Mills Charter Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie

Tuesday, October 17 - Donuts with Deans 9-9:30 am

Wednesday, October 18 - Dr. Ward Meeting with Administration 8:30-10:00; High School Night 4:30-5:30 for 8th graders and their parents, only.

Thursday, October 19 - Kona Ice Candy Fundraiser Reward Party.  Students will be called down.

Friday, October 20 - UM vs. MSU Gear Day $ 2.00

Monday, October 23 - REGIONAL PD Day - No School for Students.  More Information to come.

Tuesday, October 24 - Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat for Laurus Students 4:30-5:30 (we will end promptly)

Friday, October 27 - Lockdown (PM)

Monday, October 30 - Interim 1 Week begins for 3-8 ELA and Math.  

Tuesday, October 31 - Half Day 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  Students may wear costumes but no Masks or Weapons

Friday, November 3 - Progress Report Friday; Dress Down $2.00; Fire Drill 

Monday, November 6 - Moral Focus Assembly (Committee Leads) 8:15-8:30; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

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