Sunday, October 8, 2023

Week 7

Happy Sunday Team.  I don't know about you but I am sure thankful for this weekend!  I hope you  were able to relax, have some fun, and get some rest!  Thank you for all that you do everyday to make learning rigorous and engaging for your students.  

This week is going to be a busy week.  Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Wheeler and I will be out on Tuesday for CPI training.  Then on Wednesday and Thursday, Laurus will be hosting the Deans from the City of Detroit Cohort for our Dean Training.

This Week:

Dean Days and Technology Classess

On Wednesday and Thursday, the Deans from the City of Detroit will be at Laurus for our Dean Days.  We will have approximately 30 Deans in attendance and will need to use the Media Center for our training days.  As such, Technology will need to be held in the individual classrooms on those days.

Church Parking Lot Unavailable October 12-13

The Church Parking Lot will be unavailable to Laurus families on Thursday and Friday, October 12-13.  It is being resealed for winter.  Please notify your parents in your Dojo and/or SchoolConnect.


We have three weeks until we have to administer our Interim 1 Assessments in ELA and Math.  This testing occurs during the week of Octoberr 30th.  We really need to be diligent with our instructional pacing and completion of the weekly Common Assessments, as they prepare students for these important tests.  

Please continue to utilize your Backward Planning to make sure we are hitting those essential instructional pieces.

Common Assessments

I want to commend all of you for catching up on the outstanding weekly Common Assessments.  Currently, only 4th grade is in the pink in ELA and Math, so let's try to get those tests made up this week.  It looks like the assessments for ELA from last week have not yet uploaded.  I will share the graph of those assessments when they post.

Due to the Dean Trainings and my CPI training, this week's 03's will be on an as needed basis.  I will hold all GLT's on Monday during your Specials time period.  Please be prepared for this adjustment.

Candy Money

Please reach out to any of your families with outstanding candy sale monies. This needs to be turned in by end of day the latest. 


Please make sure to enforce our uniform policy.  You are the first line of implementation with regard to students upholding the uniform policy.  When you notice that a student is out of dress code, you need to contact the parent for replacement clothing.

Child Study

The first Child Study meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 13.  This is the time for you to bring academic/behavioral concerns to the team.  Ms. Schofield sent out a very important email last Friday.  Please make sure you read it and bring the necessary/requested student materials to the meeting for review.

Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

In order to ensure that there is enough candy for Trunk or Treat, we are asking each family to send in two large bags of candy before Wednesday, October 25th.  Please send this reminder home OFTEN in your Dojo/SchoolConnect in these next couple of weeks to help us get the candy donations we need.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 9 - Committee Meeting 3:30-4:00

Wednesday, October 11 - Classroom Room Clear

Friday, October 13 - Child Study; Fire Drill #2 - AM

Monday, October 16 - Wing Meeting 3:30-4:00 (Mrs. Orlando will lead as I will be out of the building); SAFE SCHOOLS WEEK Begins

Monday - Tuesday, October 16-17 - Rowden out to Bay Mills Charter Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie

Tuesday, October 17 - Donuts with Deans 9-9:30 am

Wednesday, October 18 - High School Night 4:30-5:30 for 8th graders and their parents, only.

Thursday, October 19 - Kona Ice Candy Fundraiser Reward Party

Friday, October 20 - UM vs. MSU Gear Day $ 2.00

Monday, October 23 - REGIONAL PD Day - No School for Students.  More Information to come.

Tuesday, October 24 - Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat for Laurus Students 4:30-5:30 (we will end promptly)

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Week 38

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