Monday, October 30, 2023

Week 10 (Week 9 Instructional)


Happy Last Week of October Team... Thank you so much for all of your hard work this past week as you are preparing for next week's Interim tests.  I truly appreciate all of the time and effort you put into each instructional day for your students.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend...that you are able to get some rest and relaxation with family and/or friends.  Here's to another strong week!

On a personal note, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all of your support...and for everything you give to Laurus, your students, families, each other, and to me.  I admit that this has been an incredibly difficult month for our school family...with position transitions, illnesses, family loss, and the day to day difficulties which arise.  Each of you have handled it with such strength and I applaud you for all that you've given and done.  My prayer is that we are turning a corner and beginning to come into our own...that each of you are healthy, safe, and fulfilled. 💗

This Week:

10/31 - Half Day

Tuesday is our first Half Day.  Students will be dismissed at 11:00, with our end of day announcements occurring at 10:45.  As such, student lunch will not be served.  Specials will run as normal.  Once dismissal has finished, please plan to meet for our Staff Meeting.  It will run from 11:30-12:00. Immediately following, we will move into our Wing Meeting.  We will not be pausing for lunch, as we will be able to finish earlier and you will be able to leave.


Interims are this week 10/30-11/3...  Make sure to refer to and follow the testing schedule that we created during your team meetings.  All interims need to be completed by Friday, November 3rd.  Absent students must have their Interims completed by Wednesday, November 8th.  All Interims must be graded and submitted by Friday, November 10th. 

Read Alouds

The Master Schedules for grades 3-5 indicate that Read Aloud instruction begins at 8:15.  Instructional pacing is very important so that we have enough time for each subject.  Please make sure that you are beginning Read Alouds at 8:15, so that it is completed before Corrective Reading.

Bulletin Boards

It's time to take a look at your Bulletin Boards.  They are starting to look a bit raggedy.  Please make sure that the borders and papers  are stapled and look neat.  If it is time, based upon your curriculum, to switch out your student work, please do so.  Remember to provide feedback and scores.  Also, display the appropriate Standard/Objective and Rubric.

Attendance Celebration and New Sheet

Classroom attendance continues to be noted on a the Attendance Sheet located outside of your classroom door.  We will begin providing monthly celebrations to the classes who meet the following criteria...

95%-100% - Pizza Party
90%-94.9% - Special Snack

Winners will be announced at the Monthly Moral Focus Assembly.


These continue this week.  Please be diligent in arriving to your 03s and GLTs.  This week the focus of our GLT will again be Planning.  Make sure that you print out your lessons so that we can prep them for the following week.


We are beginning to notice that staff are getting a bit lax with the time expectations at arrival, specials and lunch.  Just a reminder, it is expected that you are at work by 7:30 am so that you can be at your door greeting students by 7:35.  This is not a time to be running copies, picking up copies from the printer, getting coffee, etc.  In order for all students to be safe, we must have you at your doors.

Also, as you know our specials and lunch schedules are very tight.  Please make sure to have your students at their special and lunch at the designated time...and pick them up on time too.  That is the only way that the schedules can work and the classrooms/gym are not over crowded with students.

Student Behavior Entries into the School Wide Behavior System

 It is extremely important that you are putting those Level 2 and Level 3 Student Misbehaviors in the Behavior System.  Repeated misbehaviors are very important to log.  We cannot support you with parents if the behaviors are not logged.

Also, only Level 4 and Level 5 (suspendible) behaviors are to be sent to the ABSS staff.  You are responsible for managing Level 1-3 behaviors and inputting them into the system.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 30 - Interim 1 Week begins for 3-8 ELA and Math.  

Tuesday, October 31 - Half Day 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  Students may wear costumes but no Masks or Weapons.  The remainder of the candy sale incentives will take place on this day.  Staff Meeting 11:30 

Friday, November 3 - Progress Report Friday; Dress Down $2.00; Fire Drill 

Monday, November 6 - Moral Focus Assembly (Committee Leads) 8:15-8:30; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

Friday, November 10 - Gradebook closes. Last day for grades to be entered into Gradebook for Report Cards.

Monday, November 13 - Committee Meeting 3:35; Lockdown #2 AM

Monday - Friday, November 13-17 - Voice of the Parent Survey

Friday, November 17 - End of Trimester 1; Report Cards Home; Dress Down $2.00

Monday, November 20 - Trimester 2 Begins; Free Dress Down

Tuesday, November 21 - Thanksgiving Feast & PIE DAY

Wednesday-Friday, November 22-25 - Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 20, 2023

Week 9 ( Week 8 Instructional)


Happy Friday Team.  You did made it through another busy week.  I want to tell you how much I appreciate your dedication to prepping for instruction.  It is very obvious to me, to any C&I team members, to any administration and DSQ when you have prepped for the lesson instruction and are prepared to teach, and when you are not.  This is the expectation and NHA standard, so if this is an area you need to work on, please do so.

It is supposed to be a chilly weekend.  I hope that you take some R&R time to balance out your prep time this weekend.  Take care of yourself, get some rest, and remember we have our Regional PD at Centerline Prepatory Academy on Monday!

This Week:

Regional PD Day

We have our first Regional PD Day.  You should have received an email from DARCY LOWNEY on October 10th which provides the necessary details you need for Monday.  Please make sure you read it over before Monday so that you are there on time.  Each wing will be at a different location in our City of Detroit cohort.  

Start Time - 8:00 am
End Time - 2:40 pm

K-2, Sped, Sped Paras, Social Work
Reach Charter Academy
25275 Chippendale St, Roseville, MI 48066

3-5, At-Risk, Intervention, Paras, Specials, ABSS
Centerline Prepatory Academy
8155 Ritter St, Center Line, MI 48015

Great Oaks Charter Academy
4257 Bart Ave, Warren, MI 48091


Our first Interim testing cycle will begin the week of October 30.  

I was very impressed with your plans for review that we discussed during our GLT's.  Please make sure to adhere to the schedule for instruction and review that we discussed and that was sent out in our GLT Notes email.  Let me know if you have any questions. 

Common Assessments

Our data is not available.  I will try to upload this Monday.



Staff Arrival

We are starting to notice an increase in staff arrival tardiness.  This is a non-negotiable, as we discussed during Back to School training.  It is an expectation that all staff (unless your start time begins at 8:00 or later) are here in the building by 7:30.  We do have to keep track of your late days, in addition to your days out of the building. Thank you for your adherence to this expectation.

Return from Lunch

Your daily schedule includes a 30 minute lunch.  Please make sure that if you step out to get your lunch that you return within that 30 minute time frame.  

Also, please remember to be back to your class or pick your class up in the gym by the end of your scheduled lunch period.

Copier and Printer Use

We are experiencing a huge amount of papers being printed out on the Color and Black printers  and copied on the office copiers that are not being picked up for use.  This is a waste of paper and money.  If you print something, please make sure to pick it up.  We do not want to have to put limits of use on these machines.

Weekly Attendance Grids

Please make sure you are filing your signed and dated Weekly Attendance Grids.  Do not put them in the plastic file container outside of the Dean's Door.  We do not file these.  If the door is closed or it's after hours when you bring it down, please don't leave it.  Plan to bring it down to file on the next school day.

Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

In order to ensure that there is enough candy for Trunk or Treat, we are asking each family to send in two large bags of candy before Wednesday, October 25th.  Please send this reminder home OFTEN in your Dojo/SchoolConnect in these next couple of weeks to help us get the candy donations we need.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 23 - REGIONAL PD Day - No School for Students.  Information above.

Tuesday, October 24 - Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat for Laurus Students 4:30-5:30 (we will end promptly)

Friday, October 27 - Lockdown (PM)

Monday, October 30 - Interim 1 Week begins for 3-8 ELA and Math.  

Tuesday, October 31 - Half Day 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  Students may wear costumes but no Masks or Weapons.  The remainder of the candy sale incentives will take place on this day.

Friday, November 3 - Progress Report Friday; Dress Down $2.00; Fire Drill 

Monday, November 6 - Moral Focus Assembly (Committee Leads) 8:15-8:30; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

Friday, November 10 - Gradebook closes. Last day for grades to be entered into Gradebook for Report Cards.

Monday, November 13 - Committee Meeting 3:35; Lockdown #2 AM

Monday - Friday, November 13-17 - Voice of the Parent Survey

Friday, November 17 - End of Trimester 1; Report Cards Home; Dress Down $2.00

Monday, November 20 - Trimester 2 Begins; Free Dress Down

Tuesday, November 21 - Thanksgiving Feast & PIE DAY

Wednesday-Friday, November 22-25 - Thanksgiving Break

Friday, October 13, 2023

Week 8 (Week 7 Instructional)


Happy Sunday Team.  I don't know about you but I am sure thankful for this weekend!  I hope you  were able to relax, have some fun, and get some rest!  Thank you for all that you do everyday to make learning rigorous and engaging for your students.  

This week is going to be a busy week.  Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Wheeler and I will be out on Tuesday for CPI training.  Then on Wednesday and Thursday, Laurus will be hosting the Deans from the City of Detroit Cohort for our Dean Training.

This Week:

Rowden Out

Just a reminder that I will be out of the building Monday and Tuesday attending the Bay Mills Charter meeting.  If you have any issues, please refer to Ms. Rogers and Ms. Wheeler.

Para Training

On October 19th, the paras in grades K-5 will be having a Bridges Intervention training from 9:30-11:00 here at Laurus with Farina Sami.


Due to my absence, I will be holding our GLT's on Thursday.  Please plan to attend as we will be reviewing Priority Student Lists, Common Assessment data, Interims, Interactive Journals, and Corrective Reading.

Progress Reports

Student Grades need to be available to parents by next Friday (10/20) in the Parent Portal.  Make sure you have all grades input in preparation for this.  Let parents know via your Dojo/Remind that Progress Report grades will be available to them on Friday 10/21.


We have two weeks until we have to administer our Interim 1 Assessments in ELA and Math.  This testing occurs during the week of Octoberr 30th.  We really need to be diligent with our instructional pacing and completion of the weekly Common Assessments, as they prepare students for these important tests.  

Please continue to utilize your Backward Planning to make sure we are hitting those essential instructional pieces.  

Common Assessments

Well Done!  Our Common Assessment Completion Data is looking GOOD!  I am so appreciative of your diligence in administering and completing these.  



Candy Money

Please reach out to any of your families with outstanding candy sale monies. This needs to be turned in by end of day the latest. 

School Safety Week

Next week is designated as School Safety Week. You can add short conversations to your Moral Focus time, Social Studies time, line up time, about important school safety topics like:

Fire Safety; Stranger Danger; Not opening school doors for people; Safety in the Rest Rooms; Playground and Gym Safety; etc.

Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

In order to ensure that there is enough candy for Trunk or Treat, we are asking each family to send in two large bags of candy before Wednesday, October 25th.  Please send this reminder home OFTEN in your Dojo/SchoolConnect in these next couple of weeks to help us get the candy donations we need.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 16 - Wing Meeting 3:30-4:00 (Mrs. Orlando will lead as I will be out of the building); SAFE SCHOOLS WEEK Begins

Monday - Tuesday, October 16-17 - Rowden out to Bay Mills Charter Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie

Tuesday, October 17 - Donuts with Deans 9-9:30 am

Wednesday, October 18 - Dr. Ward Meeting with Administration 8:30-10:00; High School Night 4:30-5:30 for 8th graders and their parents, only.

Thursday, October 19 - Kona Ice Candy Fundraiser Reward Party.  Students will be called down.

Friday, October 20 - UM vs. MSU Gear Day $ 2.00

Monday, October 23 - REGIONAL PD Day - No School for Students.  More Information to come.

Tuesday, October 24 - Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat for Laurus Students 4:30-5:30 (we will end promptly)

Friday, October 27 - Lockdown (PM)

Monday, October 30 - Interim 1 Week begins for 3-8 ELA and Math.  

Tuesday, October 31 - Half Day 8:00 am - 11:00 am.  Students may wear costumes but no Masks or Weapons

Friday, November 3 - Progress Report Friday; Dress Down $2.00; Fire Drill 

Monday, November 6 - Moral Focus Assembly (Committee Leads) 8:15-8:30; Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Week 7

Happy Sunday Team.  I don't know about you but I am sure thankful for this weekend!  I hope you  were able to relax, have some fun, and get some rest!  Thank you for all that you do everyday to make learning rigorous and engaging for your students.  

This week is going to be a busy week.  Mrs. Bullard, Mrs. Wheeler and I will be out on Tuesday for CPI training.  Then on Wednesday and Thursday, Laurus will be hosting the Deans from the City of Detroit Cohort for our Dean Training.

This Week:

Dean Days and Technology Classess

On Wednesday and Thursday, the Deans from the City of Detroit will be at Laurus for our Dean Days.  We will have approximately 30 Deans in attendance and will need to use the Media Center for our training days.  As such, Technology will need to be held in the individual classrooms on those days.

Church Parking Lot Unavailable October 12-13

The Church Parking Lot will be unavailable to Laurus families on Thursday and Friday, October 12-13.  It is being resealed for winter.  Please notify your parents in your Dojo and/or SchoolConnect.


We have three weeks until we have to administer our Interim 1 Assessments in ELA and Math.  This testing occurs during the week of Octoberr 30th.  We really need to be diligent with our instructional pacing and completion of the weekly Common Assessments, as they prepare students for these important tests.  

Please continue to utilize your Backward Planning to make sure we are hitting those essential instructional pieces.

Common Assessments

I want to commend all of you for catching up on the outstanding weekly Common Assessments.  Currently, only 4th grade is in the pink in ELA and Math, so let's try to get those tests made up this week.  It looks like the assessments for ELA from last week have not yet uploaded.  I will share the graph of those assessments when they post.

Due to the Dean Trainings and my CPI training, this week's 03's will be on an as needed basis.  I will hold all GLT's on Monday during your Specials time period.  Please be prepared for this adjustment.

Candy Money

Please reach out to any of your families with outstanding candy sale monies. This needs to be turned in by end of day the latest. 


Please make sure to enforce our uniform policy.  You are the first line of implementation with regard to students upholding the uniform policy.  When you notice that a student is out of dress code, you need to contact the parent for replacement clothing.

Child Study

The first Child Study meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 13.  This is the time for you to bring academic/behavioral concerns to the team.  Ms. Schofield sent out a very important email last Friday.  Please make sure you read it and bring the necessary/requested student materials to the meeting for review.

Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

In order to ensure that there is enough candy for Trunk or Treat, we are asking each family to send in two large bags of candy before Wednesday, October 25th.  Please send this reminder home OFTEN in your Dojo/SchoolConnect in these next couple of weeks to help us get the candy donations we need.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 9 - Committee Meeting 3:30-4:00

Wednesday, October 11 - Classroom Room Clear

Friday, October 13 - Child Study; Fire Drill #2 - AM

Monday, October 16 - Wing Meeting 3:30-4:00 (Mrs. Orlando will lead as I will be out of the building); SAFE SCHOOLS WEEK Begins

Monday - Tuesday, October 16-17 - Rowden out to Bay Mills Charter Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie

Tuesday, October 17 - Donuts with Deans 9-9:30 am

Wednesday, October 18 - High School Night 4:30-5:30 for 8th graders and their parents, only.

Thursday, October 19 - Kona Ice Candy Fundraiser Reward Party

Friday, October 20 - UM vs. MSU Gear Day $ 2.00

Monday, October 23 - REGIONAL PD Day - No School for Students.  More Information to come.

Tuesday, October 24 - Picture Re-Take Day

Thursday, October 26 - Trunk or Treat for Laurus Students 4:30-5:30 (we will end promptly)

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Week 6


Happy October Team! have completed the first month of the school year!  Now, I don't know about you, but September seemed extra long to me this year.  I am sure it is because we started a week earlier; however, I am really excited to get to October.

I know that some of you have expressed concerns about student behaviors escalating.  I would urge you to revisit your expectations, routines and procedures, and you lesson pacing.  If these are not solid, students will find down time to make poor choices that lead to misbehavior.  Also...have you taken time...really taken establish connections/relationships with your students?  This is also pivotal in helping to maintain positive student behaviors...just like we talked about in our Back To School PD "Capturing Kids Hearts".  I urge you to revisit the PD handouts to refresh yourself with the 4 Questions and the EXCEL Model (Engage, X-plore, Communicate, Empower and Launch).

Have a great week!

Modeling by Ms. Glass

We are fortunate to have Ms. Glass working at Laurus to help us in all areas of ELA instruction, especially Writing.  She is our Instructional Coach and as such, when she schedules a time to model instruction in your classroom teachers need to be present.  This is not an extra prep.  This is an opportunity for you to observe NHA instructional expectations so that you can then model your instruction after what you have observed.  Please make sure that you are observing, taking notes, etc. to help inform your instructional practice.

Universal Attention Signals

Part of effective classroom management involves establishing Attention Signals..."Give Me 5", use of a bell or chime, raising your hand for attention, etc."  Please make sure that you are utilizing this tool to prevent disruption to instruction and create classroom culture.

Progress Report  Friday

This week will be our first "Progress Report Friday".  Just a reminder that we DO NOT send home paper Progress Reports. 

Our procedure is to notify parents via SchoolConnect or Dojo to check their child's grades on the Parent Portal after 3:00 pm on Friday, October 6, 23.  Please make sure you have updated grades...and more than one/two grades put in for your students.  Progress Report Fridays will occur twice a month, going forward.

Candy Fundraiser

Please remember to follow the expectations for our Candy Sale.  Teachers create a class grid with student names, collect the forms, mark the number of boxes of candy (1 at a time), get the boxes of candy and give them to the students, and collect the money. We will come daily to collect the money from the teachers and pass out the incentives.


Breakfast ends when the music preceding Morning Announcements begins.  Students need to throw away their breakfast trash and be at their desks by the time the song ends, so that they are ready for the Pledge and Student Creed.

GLINT Staff Survey

This begins Monday, October 2nd.  Remember to complete it and send a picture of the last page of the survey indicating that you completed it to Mrs. Rogers by 5:00 pm to get lunch on Friday!  Sounds like a great deal to me!

Cell Phones

Please continue to be diligent about collecting cell phones and locking them up. This is non-negotiable.

Hall Passes

Remember to utilize your hall passes for any emergency bathroom situations.  Also, only ONE student at a time may be out of your classroom.

Grade Level Newsletters

These are to be sent out weekly to parents via your SchoolConnect/Dojo.  This is an expectation. 


Weekly Attendance grids must be printed out on Fridays and placed in your Attendance File located in the Dean's Office.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, 10/2 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15 in the gym for grades K-8.  Staff Meeting - 3:35-4:00; 

Wednesday, 10/4 - Count Day. Students have FREE DRESS. 

Friday, 10/6 - Pink Out for Breast Cancer Fundraiser.  Students wear Pink for $2.00.  Staff Jean Day. Rowden out.

Monday, 10/9 - Committee Mtg. 3:35-4:00

Tuesday, 10/10 - Bullard, Wheeler and Rowden out to CPI training

Wednesday, 10/11- Room Clear Drill

Friday, 10/13 - Fire Drill #2; IAT (Child Study)

Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...