Monday, March 11, 2024

Week 26 (Instructional 25)

Happy St. Patrick's Day Week! made it through a very busy week with Parent Teacher Conferences.  I have heard good feedback from parents regarding their conversations with you.  Thank you so much for all of the hard work that went into making them successful.  Also, I want to thank you for your active participation during Friday's PD.  I see you...and truly appreciate how you continue to come in each day ready to provide the best for your students!

We have two weeks until Spring can do this because we can do "hard things"!

Week 25 Instruction 
This week is Week 25 of instruction. Please make sure all Common Assessments for Week 23 and Week 24 are completed and submitted.

MSTEP Mandatory Training

We have a mandatory training for MSTEP on Monday, 3/11 from 3:35-4:30.

03's and GLTs 

These will be taking place this week.  Please make sure that you are on time.

Full Lesson Observations (Unannounced)

Your Spring Full Lesson Observation will take place within the next two weeks.  These will be unannounced.  Make sure that your lessons align with your schedule and your lesson plans.

C&I Visits

We will have two visits this week.  Farina will be here on Monday, 3/11 and Shannon will be here on Thursday, 3/14.  

Update Classrooms and Bulletin Boards

Please make sure your classroom and bulletin boards reflect the current season and student learning. 

Reading Month Family Game Night

This will take place Wednesday, 3/13.  We still need volunteers to help run the game tables.  Let Ms. Armstrong or me know if you are interested.  

Interim 3 Assessment and K-2 Math Check Up 2 Assesments

We will be administering the Interim 3 Assessments for Gr. 3-8 during Week 26 (March 18-22) and the K-2 Math Check Up 2 Assessments during Week 25 (March 11-15).  

We only have the one week to administer and have students complete these assessments.  Please make sure that all assessments are completed and graded by end of day on Friday of your test week. 

Absence Request

When you are planning to take a day off, you will need to fill out an Absence Request and turn it into your Dean.  These are available in the Deans Office.

Upcoming Events:

Mon. March 11 - Fundraiser Ends; K-2 Wing Mtg 3:35; MSTEP and PSAT Meeting 3:35-4:30 MANDATORY Grades 3-8.  Moble Dentist (All week)

Mon. March 11 - C&I Math Visit; K-2 Math Checkup 2 Assessment Week

Wed. March 13 - GIZMOS Reading Night 4:30-5:30; NO TUTORING;

Thurs. March 14 - C&I ELA Visit

Fri. March 15 - Dress Down $ 2.00; PROGRESS REPORT DAY

Mon. March 18 - Interim 3 Assessment Week Gr. 3-8

Thurs. March 21 - C&I ELA Visit

Fri. March 22 - BLACK OUT DAY

Monday, March 25-Monday, April 1 - SPRING BREAK


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