Monday, February 26, 2024

Week 24 (Instructional 23)

Happy Last Week of February Team!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for this week.  I sure missed you all last week and want to thank you for holding down the wing in my absence.  I know this is going to be a busy week with our Black History Museums, end of Trimester 2, and Report Cards going home this Friday.  

Week 23 Instruction 
This week is Week 23 of instruction. Please make sure all Common Assessments for Week 22 and Week 23 are completed and submitted by Friday, March 1.

03's and GLTs 

GLTs resume this week. We are providing your 03 time for PTC this week if you are wanting to start this week.

Black History Museum Week

Our Wing Level Black History Museums occur this week.  Please be aware that classrooms and students will NOT be visiting other Wings, Grades, or Classroom exhibits.  Students will only be participating in their own classroom's exhibits.  There should be no students wandering the hallways.

ELA C&I Visits

Our C&I ELA Consultant, Shannon Mueller, will be at Laurus on Wednesday, Feb. 28.

Report Cards

Report Cards go home this Friday.  Please refer to the email sent out by Ms. Schofield regarding grades for students with Special Needs to ensure that you are compliant with their IEP.
Teachers, plan to provide one paper copy of the Report Card for each student.  Parents can also access their students' report card on the Parent Portal.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conference information has been sent out by Mrs. Wheeler.  You should be scheduling your conferences now.  Please review the materials so that you have all of the necessary signatures.

Also, next week will be a short week due to Regionals on Friday, March 8.  As such, you will not have as many days to complete these.  As such, you can start your conferences this week.   Please be mindful of this as we still have to reach our 100% participation goal.
Make sure that you have the sheet from Mrs. Wheeler available for the parents to sign at all of your conferences.

Reading Month D.E.A.R

March Is Reading Month! Our first activity will be to incorporate D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) into each day.  This will occur from 2:30-2:45.  Students should be reading their own themselves...quietly for the entire 15 minutes.  Just like last year, Deans will be popping in to catch students reading and providing shout-outs for those students.  

Now is a good time to start prepping students for this.

Interim 3 Assessment and K-2 Math Check Up 2 Assesments

Just a reminder that we will be administering the Interim 3 Assessments for Gr. 3-8 during Week 26 (March 18-22) and the K-2 Math Check Up 2 Assessments during Week 25 (March 11-15).  

We only have the one week to administer and have students complete these assessments.  Please make sure that all assessments are completed and graded by end of day on Friday of your test week. 

Honor's Assembly

On Wednsday, March 6, we will be having our second Honor's Assemblies of SY 23-24.  These will occur in the gym.  The schedule is as follows:
  • Gr. K-2      3/6     8:10-8:50
  • Gr. 3-5      3/6     9:00-9:40
  • Gr. 6-8      3/6     9:50-10:30
More information will be coming to you today regarding the Trimester 2 Awards and Criteria.

Upcoming Events:

Mon. Feb. 26 - Gr. 6-8 "Beat the Streets" Kick Off Assembly 1:30-2:00;

Tues. Feb 27 - Black History Wax Museum K-2 1:30-2:30

Wed. Feb 28 - Black History Wax Museum 3-5 1:30-2:30

Thurs. Feb. 29 - Black History Wax Museum 6-8  1:30-2:30

Fri. March 1 - T2 Ends; Report Cards Go Home

Mon. March 4 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35

Mon. March 4-7 - Parent Teacher Conference Week; Scholastic Book Fair Week; NO TUTORING THIS WEEK

Wed. March 6 - Half Day (school ends at 11:00); Free Dress; Honor's Assembly

Thurs. March 7 - C&I ELA Visit

Fri. March 8 - REGIONAL PD Day.  Please refer to the email from Darci Lowney on 2/23 for specific details.

Mon. March 11 - Fundraiser Ends; K-2 Wing Mtg 3:35; MSTEP and PSAT Meeting 3:35-4:30 MANDATORY Grades 3-8.

Mon. March 11 - C&I Math Visit; K-2 Math Checkup 2 Assessment Week

Wed. March 13 - GIZMOS Reading Night 4:30-5:30; NO TUTORING;

Thurs. March 14 - C&I ELA Visit

Fri. March 15 - Dress Down $ 2.00; PROGRESS REPORT DAY

Mon. March 18 - Interim 3 Assessment Week Gr. 3-8

Thurs. March 21 - C&I ELA Visit


Monday, February 12, 2024

Week 22 (Instructional 21)


Happy Valentines and Mid-Winter Break Week Team!  I know that you are so ready to have some time off, and you truly deserve it.  We have three days this it's going to be jam packed making sure we complete our instructional goals.  Also, we have Count Day and Valentines Day to end our week before we go on break. not let up on your management.  The kids are getting antsy too...and if allowed, their behaviors will ramp up. 

Week 21 Instruction 
This week is Week 21 of instruction. Due to the short week, we need to compact the learning to make sure we complete the necessary standard instruction so that we remain aligned with the correct instructional week.

03's and GLTs 

These resume this week. 

Black History Movie Night

The Family Events Committee is sponsering a Black History Movie night for K-5 Students and their families from 4:30-6:00 pm.  Students must be accompanied by a parent.  Snacks will be available for purchase.  The movie being shown is The Watson's Go to Birmingham
Cost (Per Person): $ 2.00/person

Black History Wax Museum

Now is a good time to check in with each of your students to ascertain their progress on the completion of their Black History Presentations.  Our day for the Wax Museum is February 28th, 1:30-2:30.  

Arrival/Dismissal Door Duty

Please make sure that you are standing at your classroom door at 7:35 (Arrival) and 2:45 (Dismissal).  You should be standing so that you can supervise both your classroom and the hallway. 


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

ELA C&I Visits

Our new C&I ELA Consultant, Shannon Mueller, will be at Laurus on Wednesday, Feb. 21 and Wednesday, Feb. 28.

Math C&I Visits

Our C&I Math Consultant, Farina Sami, will be at Laurus on Tuesday, February 13. 

Upcoming Events:

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins) Staff must report for a Data Dig PD which begins promptly at 8:30 am.  C&I Visit with Akia and Shannon - PD during Staff Meeting 3:35-4:00

Tuesday, February 13 - Math C&I Visit with Farina; Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Count Day - Free Dress Down; Wheeler out to City of Detroit K-2 Dean Day; NO TUTORING

Thursday - Monday, Feb. 15-19 - Mid-Winter Break

Wed. Feb. 21 - K-5 Black History Family Movie Night 4:30-6:00 The Watsons Go to Birmingham

Friday, Feb. 23 - Spring Pictures; GRADEBOOK CLOSES; Cookie Fundraiser Kick-Off 2:00 pm

Mon. Feb. 26 - Gr. 6-8 "Beat the Streets" Kick Off Assembly 1:30-2:00;

Tues. Feb 27 - Black History Wax Museum K-2 1:30-2:30

Wed. Feb 28 - Black History Wax Museum 3-5 1:30-2:30

Thurs. Feb. 29 - Black History Wax Museum 6-8  1:30-2:30

Fri. March 1 - T2 Ends; Report Cards Go Home


Monday, February 5, 2024

Week 21 (Instructional Week 20)

Welcome to the weekend team!  What a week this has been...but you perservered, made it though, and ensured that all of the Interim 2 Assessments were completed and graded.  Well Done!  

Here we are in a new month...February...the month of courage, love, and celebration of Black History.  What an amazing month!  I am looking forward to all of it! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend...get some rest and have some fun!

Week 20 Instruction 
This week is Week 20 of instruction. Make sure that your lesson plans are aligned with and reflect the correct instructional week.

03's and GLTs 

This week will only be GLTs, due to me having to attend another Dean Training on Wednesday.  Please feel free to stop in if you need to talk.

Black History Wax Museum

The information for grade level participation in our Black History Wax Museum was sent out by Ms. Schofield last week.  Please make sure that you read the information and assign students their research project topic.  

Arrival/Dismissal Door Duty

Please make sure that you are standing at your classroom door at 7:35 (Arrival) and 2:45 (Dismissal).  You should be standing so that you can supervise both your classroom and the hallway.

Staff Arrival

We are noticing an increase in the number of staff arriving late to work.  It is important that you follow the expectations of your position; that you arrive to work and are in your room by your scheduled start time of 7:30 am.  This applies to all Salaried Staff.  

Hourly staff, you need to be in your classroom by your specified start time.

Also, if on the off chance you are running late (this should be very infrequent), please notify your Dean.  


Please reinforce to your students who bring purses to school that they are NOT ALLOWED to wear them during the day.


We need your help as we have noticed an increase students chewing gum.  This is not allowed at Laurus.  Please be diligent and do not let your students chew gum.  


Make sure grades are up to date by Mondays at 8:00 am.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, February 5 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15; Staff Meeting 3:35; ELA C&I Visit; Candy Gram Sale Begins

Tuesday-Thursday, February 6-8 - Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Tuesday, February 6 - Wheeler out to Math Cohort Training

Wednesday, February 7 - Rowden out to Math Cohort Training

Thursday, February 8 - Rogers out to Math Cohort Training

Friday, February 9 - Lock Down #3; Wayne State Dance Assembly Gr. 4-8 8:30 am; Daddy-Daughter Dance 5:00-7:00 pm

Monday, February 12 - LATE START DAY - 10:00 am (school begins) Staff must report for a Data Dig PD which begins promptly at 8:30 am.

Tuesday, February 13 - Math C&I Visit with Farina; Tutoring 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, Feb. 14 - Count Day - Free Dress Down; Wheeler out to City of Detroit K-2 Dean Day; NO TUTORING

Thursday - Monday, Feb. 15-19 - Mid-Winter Break


Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...