Sunday, September 24, 2023

Week 5


Happy Week 5 Everyone!  
Welcome to the last week of September!  Are you ready for Fall?  I sure am.  I can't wait...I love the colors, the crisp blue skies, the apples, pumpkins, leaves, COFFEE and "Swetta Wetha...aka Sweater Weather".

Uniform Updates

There have been some updates to the uniform colors for our school.  In addition to the lime green and white polo/collared shirts, we are now adding the colors of Navy and Gray.  They must also be the collared shirts.  If students wear navy or gray, please know they are still "in uniform".

I Can Statements

Here is an example of "I Can" statements that meet the expectations we've been discussing.  If your's don't meet the expectations, this might be a style you'd like to incorporate into your classroom.

Recess Procedure

For the classes/grades that go out for recess, please remember you must take your walkie, your vest, and your red bag.

Sub Plans
Please make sure that you have a sub folder and plans available at all times.  

Moral Focus - Wisdom 

Each classroom teacher needs to submit the name of one student who exhibits the Moral Focus of Wisdom to the Moral Focus Google Doc sent out by Mrs. Wheeler.  They will be recognized during our October Moral Focus Assembly.  Please keep this a secret from the students so that it is a surprise.


Please remember to add me to your Dojo or Remind.

Candy Fundraiser

Please remember to follow the expectations for our Candy Sale.  Teachers create a class grid with student names, collect the forms, mark the number of boxes of candy (1 at a time), get the boxes of candy and give them to the students, and collect the money. We will come daily to collect the money from the teachers and pass out the incentives.

Cell Phones

Please continue to be diligent about collecting cell phones and locking them up. This is non-negotiable.

Hall Passes

These are NOT being utilized consistently.  Remember to utilize your hall passes for any emergency bathroom situations.  Also, only ONE student at a time may be out of your classroom.

Grade Level Newsletters

These are to be sent out weekly to parents via your SchoolConnect/Dojo.  This is an expectation. 


Weekly Attendance grids must be printed out on Fridays and placed in your Attendance File located in the Dean's Office.

Grade Level Team Meetings and 03's

Just one last reminder that 03s are in the Deans Office and the GLT's are in the Team Leads classroom

Upcoming Events:

Monday, September 26 - Dean's have a Virtual Dean Training from 10:30-12:30 and will be unavailable during that time.  All Paras and Interventionists have a Caseload training after school from 3:30-4:30 with Ms. Rowden and Ms. Schofield.

Monday, 9/25-Wednesday 9/27 - Vision Screening continues for grades 1,3,5,7

Friday, 9/29 - NWEA Window closes.  All students in grades 3-8 must have their testing completed by this date.  Please complete testing ASAP.

Monday, 10/2 - Moral Focus Assembly 8:15 in the gym for grades K-8.  Staff Meeting - 3:35-4:00; 

Wednesday, 10/4 - Count Day. Students have FREE DRESS. 

Friday, 10/6 - Pink Out for Breast Cancer Fundraiser.  Students wear Pink for $2.00.  Staff Jean Day.

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Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...