Friday, June 7, 2024

Week 38


Hey Team...Happy Friday!

Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the final stretch! ! This school year has been unbelievable and remarkable in so many ways, and I have to say again how proud I am of all of you. You all have persevered through so much this year, not just professionally, but also personally. I want to thank you all for everything that you have done and given to make this school year as positive and successful as it could be.  

I want you to know that it has been a true pleasure to work with each of you. You have given me the opportunity to learn and grow...and I will take this experience with me into the future.  I don't know what the future holds for any of us, so I do want to take the opportunity to wish you all a wonderful last week, a fun, restful, and safe summer, and blessings for each of your next steps.  This will be my last blog of the year and I want you all to know how special each of you are to me and I appreciate you so very much!

As we transition to a summer, I'd like to leave you with a thought to ponder...

"A Dream without a Plan, is just a Wish".  I encourage each of you to take some time this summer to reflect on this past year...  What are your take-aways?  What things worked and impacted students growth, academically and behaviorally?  What things did not work...that you want to change for next year?  Remember, it's never too early to start thinking and planning for next year.  But first...take time for and recuperate...fill your bucket and enjoy your summer

This is going to be an extremely busy week.  Remember not to have a lot of "down time" for the kids. This is when behaviors increase and incidents occur.  Please keep your days as structured as possible.

DSQ Visit

On Monday, June 10th, our current DSQ, Dr. Ward and our DSQ for next year, Mrs. Amy Ebling, will be in the building.  They have a scheduled meeting with Administration, and I am sure they will take some time to do a walk through in the building.  

Hallway Bulletin Boards

Please make sure your hallway bulletin boards reflect the Summer Writing task and that they are neat and presentable.  Please look at the students writing.  If there are mis-spellings or they are not the BEST reflection of the learning that occurred in your classroom, they should not be on the board.

Classroom Walls and Room Tear Down

Room Tear Down should not begin until Monday, June 10th. 

By end ll items should be removed from your Classroom walls and the Hallway walls. These areas are typically painted during the summer and the painters need to have unobstructed walls.

Kindergarten Promotion Ceremonies/Gym/ 4th & 5th grade Lunch

On Tuesday, June 11th, the gym will be used from 9:00 am to 12:00 for the three Kindergarten Promotion ceremonies.  That means that:
  • Gym classes will be in the classrooms for the morning
  • 4th & 5th Grades will eat lunch in their classrooms

Field Day 

Field Day will occur on Wednesday, June 12th...the last day of school.  Remember to adhere to the structure and time frames set by Ms. Williams, or your students may not be able to participate in all of the scheduled activities.  Timliness is a MUST for this event.


Last Day Activities

Some of you have planned special classroom parties for the last day of school. This is not a time to have all parents in the classroom.  If you need volunteers to help you, limit the number to two or three, at the most. These parties should occur during the time your class is not participating in the Field Day Activities.  

CA 60's

This is the week that you need to complete your students' CA 60.  You will need to use your daily prep times to complete this task.  

These are legal documents that chronicle each student's educational progress.  As such, I urge you to be very careful and complete them thoroughly, as indicated by Ms. Mitchell during our Staff Meeting.  If you have questions, please make sure that you ask for help.

You need to print and place a copy of the final Report Card and NWEA Student Progress Report in the CA 60.  I passed out the MSTEP 22-23 Labels for you to affix on the Test insert for students in 4th through 8th grades.

Report Cards and Supply Lists

Report Cards and Next Year's (SY 24-25) Supply Lists and Welcome Letters will go home on Wednesday, June 12th.  If students are not here, you will need to place them in addressed envelopes and provide them to Ms. Garrett and Ms. Hall in the office to send them out.  This needs to be done no later than end of day Thursday, June 13th.

***Make sure you pass along your Grade Level Supply List and Welcome Letter to the teachers of the grade level that will be coming to you next year.  Do not send your Grade Level Supply List home with your current students. 

Teacher Items

Because classrooms are open for extensive cleaning in the summer, we ask that you take all of your personal items home with you by end of day, June 13th.  The school is not responsible for any of your person items that may go missing during the summer.

Teacher Vests, Walkie Talkies, and Teacher Computers

As mentioned in our Staff Meeting, these items need to be turned in before you leave on your last day of school. Please label your Walkie Talkie and Base with your name and indicate if it is not working correctly.

School Keys. and Key Fob

These have to be turned in to Ms. Mitchell by end of day on June 13th.

Teacher Lap Tops

These have to be turned in to Mr. Kinsey by end of day June 13th, unless you are teaching Summer School.

Close Out Lists

You were provided an End of Year Teacher Close Out Task list.  This needs to be completed and reviewed by me by end of day on June 13th.

Curriculum and Teacher Editions

As you are closing your classrooms and packing up, remember that all grade level curriculum items and Teacher Editions should be placed in the white cabinets in your rooms.  

Student Desks

It is important that all student desks have all stickers, name tags, etc. removed from them and that you have the students empy them and clean them.  

Tuesday, June 11th would be a great day to complete this task.


Mr. Kinsey has checked in your student Chromebooks.  These will be stored in your classroom for the summer.  

Upcoming Events:

Mon - Wed, June 10-12 - FREE DRESS WEEK

Mon, June 10 - Dr Ward & Mrs. Ebling School Visist; 8th Grade Graduation (please see Mrs. Rogers email with the details)

Tues, June 11 - Kindergarten Promotion Ceremonies 9:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Gym.

Wed, June 12 - Last Day for Students; Field Day Gr. 1-7; Report Cards/Welcome Letters/Supply Lists Home

Thurs, June 13 - Work Day for staff 9:00-1:00 pm; Staff End of Year Celebration Mr. Joes 1:30

Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...