Friday, May 31, 2024

Week 37 (Instructional 36)

Happy Friday Team...

Welcome to the LAST Day of May!  Just 8 more days in June with your students.  I realize that right now we all can't wait, but it will be a bittersweet time as we hit our last day and begin to reflect upon this past year.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and come back refreshed for the final full week of school.

Day Off "Must Do's"

I realize that it is the end of the year; however, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to provide a Class Grid for the Substitute to take attendance.  You should also be providing your schedule for the day. It is not fair to the person subbing, or the office to have to provide these materials to the substitute teacher.  Please make sure that you have these materials available going forward. 

Room Tear Down

Room Tear Down should not begin until Monday, June 10th.  

Hallway Bulletin Board Welcome Letters to Incoming Students

It is a Laurus tradition that we create Summer Hallway Bulletin Boards that include Welcome Letters written by your students to the incoming grade level students.  Please plan to include that in your writing plans for the next couple of weeks.  These letters should talk about the best things that the students have done/experienced/like about their year in your grade level.  Please allow time for the final draft to be neatly typed or written in their best handwriting, as these will be utilized for summer marketing purposes too.

Week 36 Instruction 
Much of our Year Long Scope and Sequence is coming to an end.  This is a perfect time to integrate project based learning activities, hitting Social Studies and Science learning that was rushed through or missed, working on Math activites that hit Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Time, and Money, novel studies, etc.

This is not a time to show movies just for the convience of showing a movie.  It should be used as a culmination of a book study or at the end of a unit of study. 

It is very important during these last weeks to maintain a structure of teaching and learning.

Grade Level Welcome Letters and Supply Lists

Once these are approved by your Dean, the grade level team lead will need to print out enough of each for the next grade level classroom teachers to include with their final, year end Report Cards.

Field Trips/Volunteers

Remember, parents must be cleared to attend/chaperone.  

***Also, please add the following to your field trip permission slip...."Due to the need to pre-pay for both venue tickets and the bus, all purchases are non-refundable for both students and chaperones".

Housekeeping Issues

Arrival:  Please...we only have 2 1/2 weeks left.  I am noticing a large number of you arriving late to work.  I do not want to have to start having you sign in upon your arrival.  Please make sure that you are here and at your door at 7:35 each morning.  

Phones:  Teachers and Instructional Staff, is being noticed that some of you are consistently on your phone and/or texting during instructional times.  You are absolutely free to be on your phone during your prep/lunch.  Other than that, we expect that you are not using your phones.  This includes recess coverage too.  Thank you.


It's Friday and a half day...however we need you to ensure that your daily attendance is updated and saved, and that you print, sign, and file your weekly attendance....Thank you!

03's and GLTs

These are "officially" ended for the school year.  Please know that you can reach out/stop by on an as-need basis.

Grading/Grade Book/Report Cards

Grade Book closes on Wednesday.  That gives you until Tuesday, June 11th to complete Report Cards and Comments.

Upcoming Events:

Mon, June 3rd - Staff Meeting (End of Year...Very Important) 3:35 pm

Wed, June 5th - GRADEBOOK Closes

Thurs, June 6th - 8th Grade Metro Beach Class Trip; Kindergarten Fun Day

Fri, June 7 - 8th Grade Breakfast/Clap Out/Prom

Mon - Wed, June 10-12 - FREE DRESS WEEK

Mon, June 10 - Dr Ward & Mrs. Ebling School Visist; 8th Grade Graduation

Tues, June 11 - Kindergarten Clap Out

Wed, June 12 - Last Day for Students; Field Day Gr. 1-7; Report Cards Home

Thurs, June 13 - Work Day for staff 9:00-1:00 pm; Staff End of Year Celebration 1:30


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Week 36 (Instructional 35)

Happy Friday Team...

Welcome to the LAST Holiday Break of the 23/24 School Year!  Wow...we are getting there!
I hope you all have a wonderful and well deserved holiday break, full of good food, good people, and good fun...and get some rest too, as it will be a whirlwind when we return.

Room Tear Down

Room Tear Down should not begin until Monday, June 10th.  That includes all classroom bulletin boards.  Rooms should remain intact with everything up and unchanged until that day.

Hallway Bulletin Board Welcome Letters to Incoming Students

It is a Laurus tradition that we create Summer Hallway Bulletin Boards that include Welcome Letters written by your students to the incoming grade level students.  Please plan to include that in your writing plans for the next couple of weeks.  These letters should talk about the best things that the students have done/experienced/like about their year in your grade level.  Please allow time for the final draft to be neatly typed or written in their best handwriting, as these will be utilized for summer marketing purposes too.

NWEA Testing

NWEA testing should be finished if you have students who are not finished, these must be completed no later that next Wednesday, May 29th.

AIMSWeb End of Year Benchmarking

AIMSWeb testing is occuring throughout the school for ONE additional week in order to test any missing students. 

Week 35 Instruction 
Much of our Year Long Scope and Sequence is coming to an end.  This is a perfect time to integrate project based learning activities, hitting Social Studies and Science learning that was rushed through or missed, working on Math activites that hit Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Time, and Money, novel studies, etc.

This is not a time to show movies just for the convience of showing a movie.  It should be used as a culmination of a book study or at the end of a unit of study. 

It is very important during these last weeks to maintain a structure of teaching and learning.

Final Class Lists, Grade Level Welcome Letters and Supply Lists

These are due to your Dean by next Friday, May 31st.  If you have any questions, please reach out to your Dean.

Field Trips/Volunteers

Remember, parents must be cleared to attend/chaperone.  

***Also, please add the following to your field trip permission slip...."Due to the need to pre-pay for both venue tickets and the bus, all purchases are non-refundable for both students and chaperones".

Housekeeping Issues

Arrival:  Please...we only have 2 1/2 weeks left.  I am noticing a large number of you arriving late to work.  I do not want to have to start having you sign in upon your arrival.  Please make sure that you are here and at your door at 7:35 each morning.  

Phones:  Teachers and Instructional Staff, is being noticed that some of you are consistently on your phone and/or texting during instructional times.  You are absolutely free to be on your phone during your prep/lunch.  Other than that, we expect that you are not using your phones.  This includes recess coverage too.  Thank you.


It's Friday and a half day...however we need you to ensure that your daily attendance is updated and saved, and that you print, sign, and file your weekly attendance....Thank you!

03's and GLTs

These are "officially" ended for the school year.  Please know that you can reach out/stop by on an as-need basis.

Grading/Grade Book

We have one more week before Grade Book closes.  It is imperative that you keep up with grading students work.  Also, once student work is graded, please send any work/papers home.  This helps to keep parents informed and updated.

Upcoming Events:

Mon, May 27 - NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)

Fri, May 31 - $ 2.00 Dress Down; Progress Reports (Parent Portal); 24/25 Classlists, Supply Lists, Grade Level Welcome Letters Due to Dean

Wed, June 5th - GRADEBOOK Closes

Thurs, June 6th - 8th Grade Metro Beach Class Trip

Fri, June 7 - 8th Grade Breakfast/Clap Out/Prom

Mon - Wed, June 10-12 - FREE DRESS WEEK

Mon, June 10 - 8th Grade Graduation

Tues, June 11 - Kindergarten Clap Out/Promotion Carnival

Wed, June 12 - Last Day for Students; Field Day Gr. 1-7; Report Cards Home

Thurs, June 13 - Last Day for staff



Friday, May 17, 2024

Week 35 (Instructional 34)

Happy Friday Team...

You did successfully made it through another week.  I don't know about you, but sometimes it feels like this month will never end...and other times, it feels like it's flying!  I realize the struggle is getting really real...but we can do it.  We are down to 3 1/2 weeks...the most important thing is to maintain structure.  Please continue to implement this and stress it with your students.

I hope each of you have a wonderful weekend...that you treat yourself to some well deserved rest and relaxation!  I appreciate each and every one of you!


Please be mindful that next week, May 20-24 is a Middle School (Gr. 6-8) ONLY Spirit Week.  Please let your parents know that this Spirit Week does not include students in grades K-5.  
K-5 students MUST BE IN UNIFORM EVERY DAY NEXT WEEK except for Friday which is a Free Dress Day for everyone!


MSTEP is finished!  Thank you to each one of you for all you did to make this a successful testing season.  I am working on the Prelimiary Results Data and will present this to you in an upcoming Staff Meeting.

NWEA Testing

NWEA testing continues.  We have to have a 100% student test completion in order to be in compliance with our Charter Authorizor, Bay Mills College. Please ensure that all student testing is completed:
  • May 20 - May 24:           2nd Grade NWEA Reading and Math
  • May 20 - May 24:           3rd - 8th Grade NWEA Reading and Math Make Ups

Make Ups are done with you in your classrooms.  Also, everyone remember to be mindful of the testing occurring as your students move in the hallways. They should be quiet, with no talking.

AIMSWeb End of Year Benchmarking

AIMSWeb testing is occuring throughout the school for ONE more week.  Please make sure to control the student noise level in the hallways so that the Intervention team can test.  

Shoes: Slides, Sandles, and Crocs

We are having an influx of students wearing slides and crocs with no back strap.  This is not acceptable.  Nor are students allowed to wear any type of sandles.  Please utilize your School Connect to remind parents and also tell your students that they cannot wear any type of slides, crocs without wearing the back strap, and any type of sandles.

Week 34 Instruction 
This week is Week 33 of instruction. Please continue to follow the Scope and Sequence and ensure that the weekly Common Assessments are completed.

Field Trips/Volunteers

Remember, parents must be cleared to attend/chaperone.  

***Also, please add the following to your field trip permission slip...."Due to the need to pre-pay for both venue tickets and the bus, all purchases are non-refundable for both students and chaperones".


It's Friday...time to make sure your daily attendance is updated and saved, and that you print, sign, and file your weekly attendance....Thank you!

03's and GLTs 

These "officially" resume next week.  Please plan to meet with me for your 03's and the Grade Level Team meetings.  03's are in my office.  I will come to you for GLTS.

***We will be discussing student class placement for 24/25, and reviewing the final copies of the Welcome Letter and Supply List.


I am still seeing girls with purses.  Please remind your girls that they are not to bring purses to school and wear them.  They are not a part of the school uniform.


It is imperative that you keep up with grading students work.  Also, once student work is graded, please send any work/papers home.  This helps to keep parents informed and updated

Upcoming Events:

Mon-Fri, May 20-24 - Scholastic BOGO Book Fair

Fri, May 24 - Half Day (Dismissal for Students at 11:00); Fire Drill #5

Mon, May 27 - NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)

Fri, May 31 - $ 2.00 Dress Down; Progress Reports (Parent Portal); 24/25 Classlists, Supply Lists, Grade Level Welcome Letters Due to Dean

Wed, June 5th - GRADEBOOK Closes

Thurs, June 6th - 8th Grade Metro Beach Class Trip

Fri, June 7 - 8th Grade Breakfast/Clap Out/Prom

Mon - Wed, June 10-12 - FREE DRESS WEEK

Mon, June 10 - 8th Grade Graduation

Tues, June 11 - Kindergarten Clap Out/Promotion Carnival

Wed, June 12 - Last Day(?); Field Day Gr. 1-7; Report Cards Home

Thurs, June 13 - Possible Last Day(?)


Friday, May 10, 2024

Week 34 (Instructional 33)

Happy Friday Team...

I hope that you have had a good week and have felt the love and appreciation we all have for each of you during this Teacher Appreiation week.  Each of you are so important in the lives of children that you teach...never forget that.  You are planting seeds that you may never see germinate, but keep the faith that they will.

Have a wonderful weekend...and "Happy Mother's Day" to all of the moms, step moms, bonus moms, pet moms, moms to students, daughters of moms who are with you, and those who are no longer with you.  You are loved!

MSTEP Make Ups

Next week is the last week for MSTEP Make Up testing in grades 3-8.  I will continue to pull students who need to complete their test(s) into the Media Center.  

Technology will be on a cart and will come to your classroom.  

NWEA Testing

NWEA testing continues.  We have to have a 100% student test completion in order to be in compliance with our Charter Authorizor, Bay Mills College. Please ensure that all student testing is completed:

  • April 29-May 3:               5th and 8th Grade NWEA Reading and Math.  
  • May 6 - May 10:             4th and 6th Grade NWEA Reading and Math
  • May 13 - May 17:           3rd and 7th Grade NWEA Reading and Math
  • May 20 - May 24:           2nd Grade NWEA Reading and Math
NWEA occurs in your specific classrooms.  You will be proctoring these tests yourself.  If you have tech questions, please contact Mr. Kinsey or one of your veteran teammates.  Also, you are responsible for creating your test sessions. 

Also, everyone remember to be mindful of the testing occurring as your students move in the hallways. They should be quiet, with no talking.

AIMSWeb End of Year Benchmarking

AIMSWeb testing is occuring throughout the school for the next 3 weeks.  Please make sure to control the student noise level in the hallways so that the Intervention team can test.  Also, remember you need to utilize and adhere to the Bathroom Break schedule.  Thank you!

Shoes: Slides, Sandles, and Crocs

We are having an influx of students wearing slides and crocs with no back strap.  This is not acceptable.  Nor are students allowed to wear any type of sandles.  Please utilize your School Connect to remind parents and also tell your students that they cannot wear any type of slides, crocs without wearing the back strap, and any type of sandles.

Week 33 Instruction 
This week is Week 33 of instruction. Please continue to follow the Scope and Sequence and ensure that the weekly Common Assessments are completed.

Field Trips/Volunteers

Field Trip season is beginning.  Most grade levels are enlisting the assistance of parents as chaperones.  In order to participate in chaperoning a field trip, parents must be cleared to attend.  Ms. Mitchell sent out the process to you, so that you can have your Field Trip parents complete this asap.

***Also, please add the following to your field trip permission slip...."Due to the need to pre-pay for both venue tickets and the bus, all purchases are non-refundable for both students and chaperones".

June Make Up Day

We are still awaiting confirmation regarding our need to make up a school day on Thursday, June 13.  Please be advised to keep that day available for work until we hear otherwise.  Thanks!


It's Friday...time to make sure your daily attendance is updated and saved, and that you print, sign, and file your weekly attendance....Thank you!


If a student is misbehaving or having issues in the classroom, please remember that you are the first call to the parent.

03's and GLTs 

GLTs will occur this coming week in the Media Center due to make up testing.  We will be discussing current MSTEP Preliminary Data, 24/25 Classlist Creation, 24/25 Supply Lists and Grade Level Welcome Letters, etc.  Lots to cover...Please be on time!  

Also, I need to meet with you briefly during your scheduled 03 time next week, as I want to review your Year End Evaluation with you.  Please make sure you look for me in the Media Center.


I am still seeing girls with purses.  Please remind your girls that they are not to bring purses to school and wear them.  They are not a part of the school uniform.


It is imperative that you keep up with grading students work.  Also, once student work is graded, please send any work/papers home.  This helps to keep parents informed and updated

Upcoming Events:

Mon. May 13 - Staff Meeting 3:35

Fri. May 17 - MSTEP/MiAccess Ends; $ 2.00 Dress Down

Mon-Fri, May 20-24 - Scholastic BOGO Book Fair

Fri, May 24 - Half Day (Dismissal for Students at 11:00); Fire Drill #5

Mon, May 27 - NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)

Fri, May 31 - $ 2.00 Dress Down; Progress Reports (Parent Portal); 24/25 Classlists, Supply Lists, Grade Level Welcome Letters Due to Dean

Wed, June 5th - GRADEBOOK Closes

Thurs, June 6th - 8th Grade Metro Beach Class Trip

Fri, June 7 - 8th Grade Breakfast/Clap Out/Prom

Mon - Wed, June 10-12 - FREE DRESS WEEK

Mon, June 10 - 8th Grade Graduation

Tues, June 11 - Kindergarten Clap Out/Promotion Carnival

Wed, June 12 - Last Day(?); Field Day Gr. 1-7; Report Cards Home

Thurs, June 13 - Possible Last Day(?)


Friday, May 3, 2024

Week 33 (Instructional 32)

Happy Friday we are...officially in the last full month of school...and it's time to celebrate you!  Hopefully, you are aware that next week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  We have some fun activities and surprises planned for you, to honor you and thank you for all that you do and give to your students and Laurus Academy.  

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Get some rest and have some fun! 💜

MSTEP Make Ups

MSTEP Make Up testing rolls into high gear next week for students in grades 3-8.  I will be pulling students who need to complete their test(s) into the Media Center beginning Monday.  There is no specific schedule, just me pulling students to finish testing.

As such, Technology will be on a cart and will come to your classroom.  Also, Specials will be returning to their their respective rooms (not on a cart).

NWEA Testing

NWEA testing has begun.    Here is the testing schedule, in case you have forgotten your dates.  Please ensure that student testing is complete within the testing week:

  • April 29-May 3:               5th and 8th Grade NWEA Reading and Math.  
  • May 6 - May 10:             4th and 6th Grade NWEA Reading and Math
  • May 13 - May 17:           3rd and 7th Grade NWEA Reading and Math
  • May 20 - May 24:           2nd Grade NWEA Reading and Math
Please refer to the Instructions that I sent out last week to set up and administer tests.

NWEA occurs in your specific classrooms.  You will be proctoring these tests yourself.  If you have tech questions, please contact Mr. Kinsey or one of your veteran teammates.  Also, you are responsible for creating your test sessions. 

Also, everyone remember to be mindful of the testing occurring as your students move in the hallways. They should be quiet, with no talking.

AIMSWeb End of Year Benchmarking

AIMSWeb testing is occuring throughout the school for the next 4 weeks.  Please make sure to control the student noise level in the hallways so that the Intervention team can test.  Also, remember you need to utilize and adhere to the Bathroom Break schedule.  Thank you!

Lunch Schedule

Beginning Monday, the Lunch Schedule will return to normal with grades 4-8 returning to the gym for their lunch and lunch coverage.  

Lunch Coverage wi

Shoes: Slides, Sandles, and Crocs

We are having an influx of students wearing slides and crocs with no back strap.  This is not acceptable.  Nor are students allowed to wear any type of sandles.  Please utilize you School Connect and also tell your students that they cannot wear any type of slides, crocs without wearing the back strap, and any type of sandles.

Week 32 Instruction 
This week is Week 32 of instruction. Please continue to follow the Scope and Sequence and ensure that the weekly Common Assessments are completed.

Field Trips/Volunteers

Field Trip season is beginning.  Most grade levels are enlisting the assistance of parents as chaperones.  In order to participate in chaperoning a field trip, parents must be cleared to attend.  Ms. Mitchell sent out the process to you, so that you can have your Field Trip parents complete this asap.

June Make Up Day

Be advised that even though our last day is scheduled for June 12, we are likely needing to add a make up day for our Snow Days/Low Attendance Days.  Please keep June 13 open as you may be required to attend work that day.

Uniform Shorts

May 1st was the start of summer season when students can wear school uniform shorts.  They must be the navy blue school shorts and must be knee length.  This applies to both male and female students.

Student Supervision

Please continue to make management your number 1 priority.  The kids are very reactive at this time and continue to make poor judgement decisions before they think about it.  

Give them a reminder and then immediate consequences.  All student misbehaviors need to be entered into the system initially by you.


It's Friday...time to make sure your daily attendance is updated and saved, and that you print, sign, and file your weekly attendance....Thank you!


If a student is misbehaving or having issues in the classroom, you need to be the first contact with the parent (Phone Call, Email, SchoolConnect, etc.).  The ABSS's and Deans cannot support you if you don't give us the documentation.

03's and GLTs 

GLTs will occur this coming week in the Media Center due to make up testing.  03s are on an as needed basis...


Please remind your girls that they are not to bring purses to school and wear them.  Purses are not a part of the school uniform.


It is imperative that you keep up with grading students work.  Also, once student work is graded, please send any work/papers home.  This helps to keep parents informed and updated

Upcoming Events:

Mon., May 6 - May 10  - Teacher Appreciation Week!  

Mon., May 6 - K/8 Graduation Pictures; Moral Focus Assembly 8:15

Fri., May 10 - Progress Reports (Parent Portal)

Mon. May 13 - Staff Meeting 3:35

Fri. May 17 - MSTEP/MiAccess Ends; $ 2.00 Dress Down; 

Mon-Fri, May 20-24 - Scholastic BOGO Book Fair

Fri, May 24 - Half Day (Dismissal for Students at 11:00); Fire Drill #5

Mon, May 27 - NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)

Fri, May 31 - $ 2.00 Dress Down; Progress Reports (Parent Portal)

Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...