Sunday, August 27, 2023

Week 1


Welcome Back!

Happy First Week of the 23-24 School Year!  I am so proud of you and all of the effort you are putting in to making it such a successful First Day and Week for your students.  Have a great first day and week!

Just wanted to send a few reminders/updates as you prepare for tomorrow's first day:

New Students

Please plan on getting new students until Count Day in October. 

Math Workbooks

I have reached out to Curriculum with regards to our missing workbooks.  Until they arrive, you will need to print out student work pages from Bridges.  Your grade level team leads will be able to assist you with this.  If there are further questions, please contact me.


It is an expectation that you provide SchoolConnect, and/or Dojo for a "short time",  as a communication tool for communicating with your parents.  Please reach out to them to make sure that they sign up for this.  Also, please remember to add me to your SchoolConnect/Dojo Account.


Students must be in uniform.  Please refer to the Staff Handbook or my Back to School Wing Meeting Power Point.

Reminder that shirts must be tucked in at all times.

Bathroom Break Schedule

I am sending you a Grade/Class Level Bathroom Schedule.  You must adhere to these scheduled times.  Please do the following:

  • Students should accompany you to the restrooms in a single file line
  • They should bring a book to read while waiting
  • They must be at a Level 0 - No Talking voice level
  • You should bring a timer as we need to get these breaks down to 10 minutes
  • You must check the bathrooms before sending students in and following your last students exit of the bathrooms for cleanliness.  
  • Remind the students that inappropriate behaviors and lack of cleanliness will result in student discipline.  This is a "Zero Tolerance" issue.

3-5 Assembly

We will have a Wing 3-5 Assembly in the gym on Monday, August 28 beginning at 10:30.  Please have your students lined up and down to the gym by 10:30 so that we can begin promptly.  I will discuss seating arrangements when classes arrive to the gym.

AIMSWeb Testing

AIMSWeb ORF Benchmark testing begins for ALL students in grade 3.  This can begin during Week 1.

Students in grades 4-5 whose NWEA Reading RIT Score is at the 25%tile or below will need to be Benchmarked following their NWEA tests beginning Week 2.

Staff Meeting

We will have a Staff Meeting on the first day (Monday) following Dismissal.  All are expected to attend.


Grade 3 will eat in the classroom.  Please go over your lunch expectations prior to lunch so that the Interventionist is aware.  It would be a good thing to have a Slide posted with the expectations for the students and Interventionist to review.  Some things to consider:

  • Lunch begins at 11:45.  
  • Clean Up starts at 12:10
  • Lunch Ends at 12:15
  • Students sit at their own desk
  • No sharing of lunches
  • Silent for first 15 minutes - Time for eating.  Students earn talk time.
  • Only 1 at at time, out of the room, to use the rest room
  • No student use of classroom refridgerator or Microwave

Grades 4-5 will be eating in the gym from 11:45-12:15.  They will enter and exit from the Middle School gym doors.

  • Classes should be in the gym by 11:45.  Start walking them down 3 minutes prior to the start of lunch.  Utilize appropriate hallway procedures.
  • Remind students who have brought their lunch from home to bring it with them.  We will not be sending students back to get their lunch.
  • My policy is the first 15 minutes are silent.  Students are then able to earn talk time.  Please remind them of this. 
You must be diligent upon picking up your students at 12:15.  I will not excuse teacher tardiness in picking up students from lunch.

Cell Phones

Please make sure that you have a container to collect cell phones every morning.  Once collected, you will need to lock the container up in your cupboards (you have been provided locks).  You need to use this procedure to insure that the cell phones remain safe and undamaged:

  • Collect the cell phone one at a time.
  • Place in a Ziplock baggie labeled in Permanent Marker with each student's name.
  • Place in the container.
  • Lock in the cabinent.

Hall Passes

Each classroom needs to have a hall pass for students to use for a bathroom emergency.  There should only be one student out at a time...NOT ONE BOY AND ONE GIRL.  Also, this is not to get water.  

Water Bottles

Students can have a water bottle in the classroom and kept in their cubby.  Water bottles are not allowed at desks.

Also, water bottles are to contain water only.


Attendance and Lunch Count must be taken immediately following Morning Announcements and again at 8:45 am.  Lunch numbers are pulled by 9:00 am, so if you have any students who come in Tardy before 9:00 am, please make sure that their lunch is recorded if they are getting School Lunch.

Afternoon Attendance must be completed by 1:00 pm.

Weekly Attendance grids must be printed out on Fridays and placed in your Attendance File located in the Dean's Office.


Students are not allowed to chew gum at school.

Snack Time

There is no snack time in grades 3-5.

Laurus Creed

If you are in need of a Laurus Creed poster, please contact your Dean.

Staff Non-negotiables

  • Please make sure that you are dressing as a Professional.  We do not have any casual wear days.  
  • Also, please make sure your cell phone is on mute.  Instructional time is not a time for you to be on your phone.  You can do that during your prep and lunch.
  • Your daily start time for work is 7:30 am. 
  • You must be at your door at 7:35 am to greet your students.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, August 28 - School Begins; No SPECIALS or TECHNOLOGY

Monday, August 28 - AIMSWeb ORF Benchmark testing begins for 3rd grade (All students); 

Monday, August 28 - Staff Meeting following Dismissal

Tuesday, August 29 - SPECIALS and TECHNOLOGY begin; Corrective Reading Placement Testing begins

Wednesday/Thursday - Begin introduction of Small Group Routines, Procedures and Expectations

Friday, September 1 - NO SCHOOL Labor Day Holiday

Monday, September 4 - NO SCHOOL Labor Day Holiday

Tuesday, September 5 - School Resumes; NWEA MAP Testing Begins

Week 38

  Hey Team...Happy Friday! Welcome to the Last Week of School!  Can you believe it...we have spent 38 weeks together and now are in the fina...